1.First Encounter

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Since I will be writing for ten of the characters, chapters will be separated into two parts. Please be aware the first few chapters will have the men being violent and aggressive towards the reader character. This will not be a instant love, and I plan to toy with their homicidal tendencies and nature. They don't remain as violent as the story progresses, just initially. Some will exhibit unhealthy, possessive, or possibly harmful behaviors. Please be aware of your own needs and read carefully. 


Eyeless Jack

You weren't really sure when you first started losing sleep. At first, it was school projects that took too much time, then it was being too antsy about work or university to sleep until it was simply the inability to just lay down and wait long enough for your body to eventually pass out.

A few years ago, you'd gone to a doctor for your inability to sleep. They'd prescribed you Temazepam, one each night before bed. Every so often university would overwhelm with multiple projects at once, or your boss would have you come in to cover a sick coworker's shift.

Needless to say, you didn't manage to sleep all night, every night. Which is much like tonight. Where school had dumped both a group project and an essay with a minimum of five pages. You bounced back and forth between the two, working on one for a short while before switching back to the other.

Inevitably, it turns one in the morning and sleep deprivation takes a hold of you. Your limbs were heavy, eyes sore, and brain fuzzy. Moments like this, where you were so deliriously tired, you didn't need your medication.

Slowly, you make your way to your bed and lay down on top of the covers. No point in tucking yourself in when you fall asleep a few moments after snuggling your head into a freshly cleaned pillow.

A few hours later, as the sun begins to greet the horizon a good morning, and birds titter about merrily, you're roused from your sleep. Icy cold hands graze up your side, pushing up your sweater and pushing you so you lay on your back. Your mind doesn't register the sensations for a moment.

That is until something sharp presses against the skin on your side. Then, it's like a flip is switched inside you. Jolting up, you instantly move to push whatever- or whoever- was on you off. It falls unceremoniously from the bed, something thin and silver slipping from their fingers and onto your bedsheets.

Now with adrenaline pumping through your system you jump from your bed and scramble backwards. They stand just as quickly as they fell. Their intimidating height was covered in baggy, dark clothes. A dark hood cast a shadow that hid their face entirely. Leaving only hints of dark blue visible.

Like a tiger pouncing on prey, one moment they're on the opposite side of the bed, and the next you're falling onto your back, trying to keep a scalpel way from your throat. They were strong, they barely seemed to put up a fight to get the damned thing close to your throat.

You kicked and pushed with all your might. Though it didn't really seem to throw them off. Moving your hand from shoving at one of their shoulders, you press it against their face, trying to locate their eye. Their skin was smooth and hard, like plastic. And when you located what felt like an eye socket and shoved two fingers in, there was nothing.

It was like they lacked any eyes and just had two empty sockets. Inside was a painfully hot and sticky feeling. You pull your fingers out quickly with a yell of pain, but they catch on the edge of the plastic thing covering their face, underneath the eye and you manage to yank it forwards, nearly off.

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