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A/N: O H M Y F U D G E IM SO SORRY IVE BEEN NOT UPDATING AND THAT THIS IS SHORT. I had the world's worst writers block, so if anyone has any story suggestions, please tell me in the comments!!

 Mafu wasn't so sure how well this was going to work. How could something so small work so well like Sora claimed? It was just putty. Oh, well. If Sora wanted him to try it, he would. He would do anything to see Sora happy at any amount of progress.

Mafu had a solo rehearsal that day, and Sora couldn't be there with him. Tucking the small case of putty in his pocket, he bid his lover goodbye and was on his way.

The challenges started early on rehearsal days; they always started early. The second he stepped in the door, he was surrounded by people rushing too and fro, no one able to tell him what was really going on. Mafu loved to act spontaneously, but deeper down in his subconscious, he was a person who craved order. He always had to know what he was doing, when and where he was doing it, and how he was going to do it. So, the feeling of having to do something but not knowing what it was set an early twinge of restlessness and self-deprecation in the back of his mind.

Finally, his manager came bowling out of his office, shouting to ask why Mafu wasn't getting ready yet. He immediately submitted to the harsh voice and ran to lock himself in the dressing room. He had to physically stop himself from going down his default path of thought that if he could just get through this one day, he could 'reward' himself with as many cuts as he wanted. After shaking his head a little bit to get the thought out of his head, he took the tin out of his pocket. He opened it up, working the glob through his hands.

Hey...this actually was kind of nice. It had just the right amount of resistance to it, and at the same time, he could manipulate it however he wanted. He found himself making shapes, rolling it into a small ball, and popping the air bubbles trapped in it.

A few minutes had passed and he couldn't believe it. He was okay. He knew from that moment on, he would always have that tin with him, relying on it like a lifeline. It could quench the thoughts at the first sign of restlessness. It was like magic. He couldn't wait to tell Sora.

He walked out after taking a deep breath, tucking the tin away in his costume's pocket and walking out to the stage.

The advantage of rehearsals was that it kept him moving. It took away any possible time there could have been to inflict pain on himself. Even if he was talking with his directors, he could squish the putty in his pocket, effectively snuffing out any urge he could possibly have throughout the day.

Sora promised to meet him for a late night dinner after his rehearsal, and Mafu felt great. He raced to the restaurant where he was, hugging him outside the door.

"How was rehearsal?" Sora asked with a smile.

"Great!" Mafu beamed.

"Oh, really?" Sora smiled in surprise. Mafu never described his rehearsals as 'great'.

Mafu nodded with the same bright smile. His voice hushed a little. "That putty you gave me...that's like magic!"

"It is!?" Sora gasped with a hopeful smile.
"Yeah!" Mafu was bouncing on the balls of his feet.

Sora was having little explosions of joy in his heart like fireworks. Without thinking twice, he cupped Mafu's face and gave him a deep kiss. Mafu smiled and kissed back for a little while, until the two of them went in for their date. 

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