Walking In The Woods

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(3rd P.O.V)
  You leave your home telling your mother and father that you were taking a walk, where you were going they didn't need to know. But, you always enjoyed the woods because it was quiet, calm, and enjoyable to you since you were never really big on loud thing/noises or making friends. The reason was because you have the ability to weld fire and thought people would freak out, call you names, and shun you as an outcast.

  While walking to your destination you enjoyed the cool crisp autumn air, that nipped as your nose and always made you think of a certain song about someone called Jack Frost you never really remembered the song just that one part. As you continued your walk you hear shouting and turn around just jumping out of the way of a couch flying past you with a kid on it. You chase after it to see the kid hit a statue then lose a tooth, you walk over to him asking "Oh my gosh are you alright?". He looked at you and said "I'm ok this tooth means I'll be getting a visit from the Tooth Fairy. Hey, I haven't seen you before what's your name mines Jamie Bennett.". You looked at him slightly caution and said "My name is (F/N) (L/N), it's nice to meet you but I should get going." You walked away hearing Jamie saying you should hangout with him sometimes.

  You continued your walk but had the strangest feeling you were being watched, but shrugged it off as nothing and just kept walking. But little did you know you had a certain future guardian following you curious of what you were doing.

(Jack's P.O.V.)
  Well after that incident with the sofa I though maybe one of those kids would believe in me but once again no luck. But I did notice one girl she has (H/C) (H/L), (E/C), and a whole (F/C) outfit and she seemed kinda shy to hangout with the other kids. I wanted to follow her to see where she was going, since she was heading into the woods alone I was just getting more and more curious about her.

  I kept following her till she reached a clearing with long green grass that was almost taller than her and she went to a single tree in the middle with an old swing attached to it. She sat down on the swing closed her eyes and listened it was a little odd to me a kid her age was just being quiet and listening to what's going on around her. I saw this as an opportunity to maybe, just maybe have someone believe in me so I went to the side of the tree by the swing and made frost patterns with my staff. She opened her eyes and looked at them in disbelief and wonder, so I decided to make it snow and as a single little snowflake drifted it landed on her nose. I heard her whisper my name and I looked at her and asked "You know me?". She jumped a little bit and looked at me in what looked of a mix of surprise and fear.

(Your P.O.V)
  After a snowflake landed on my your nose and frost patterns my first thought was of Jack Frost so without thinking I said his name then suddenly out of no where I hear someone ask "You know me?". That made me jump since I thought I was alone and looked to see a boy not that much older than me that has white hair, sparking blue eyes, pale skin ,and he has a tall stature. His cloths consist are a blue hooded sweater, frost collecting around the ring of the collar, and wore brown trousers that are rather tattered and frayed bottom, and is barefoot. He carries a dark brown staff with a G-shaped arch. I was calming down getting over the jump scare but eventually got the courage to ask " Are you really Jack Frost? You mean you're actually real?" He kept looking at you and then started to celebrate. Flying and screaming "Yes!! Someone finally believes in me!" This was freaking you a little bit since you're use to the quiet and never enjoyed loud noises. I grabbed my bag and started to walk away which caught his attention and floated in front of you asking "Hey where are you going? Don't you wanna hangout?" I looked at him and stated "No, I come here to enjoy the quiet and peace and you're ruining it, so I'll just leave."
(3rd P.O.V.)
  As you started to walk again you felt something cold hit your head getting some caught in your hair. You reach back to touch it and realize he hit you with a snowball and he was laying on a branch laughing, you decided to get revenge you squatted down putting your bag on the ground afterwards you made a snowball and threw it nailing him in the face knocking him out of the tree. Then you started laughing a little as he was stunned and realized you were laughing which made him smile and shout "Snowball fight!!!" And you two just threw snowballs at each other laughing and having the best time till the sun started to set. As it started to get dark you picked up your things and told Jack you had to head home, so he floated in front of you and asked "Do you want me to walk you home?". You weren't sure at first but said yes anyways as you two were walking back you felt another pair off eyes on you. But again decided to ignore it thinking it was nothing and continued your walk while getting to know Jack.

(Pitch's P.O.V)
  Well it seems my nightmare found a child in the woods near my lair hopefully I'll be strong enough to spread them throughout the world and put my plan into motion. Pitch spoke aloud saying "This girl could be just what i need to start my plan off, I'll have my nightmare follow her to see what I need to know." But I'll also send a little message to North and those pathetic guardians letting them know I'm coming back and that the dark ages will arise again.

(North's P.O.V)
  Just as I  finished sculpting my ice train engine and put it on the tracks just at the best part Phil burst through the door destroying it and I freaked out telling him about knocking. But he caught my attention telling me the lights on the globe were going out, as I reached the globe it was covered in black sand which I was curious and confused about since I only thought Sandy could use the sand. But then I see a picture form from the sand it was Pitch I knew this was a sign that he was coming back and that I needed to contact the others.

(Your P.O.V)
  I get to the front door and tell Jack goodbye and that I'll see him soon, after getting in I head upstairs to my bedroom to write in my daily journal about your everything that happened today. Tomorrow though was going to be dedicated to practicing with my ability so I can keep it under control and stable, because last time that I didn't practice for awhile because I thought I was better at it I was wrong it was really bad. I completely destroyed an entire 4 acres of woodland all that was left were ashes and scorch marks. All because I got super angry at my parents for what I can hardly remember. Since that day I promised myself to keep it a secret and only practice if I knew I was alone as well as had the time for it.

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