Coming out pt 2

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So basically I'm babysitting but the kids are asleep, but I have to stay for an extra 3 hours SOOOOOO...... FAIRY TAIL!!!!! I just started watching it and it's GREAT!!!! Also the picture above is me and my Omnisexual (Srry if that's spelled wrong) BEST friend!!! We got bored in class and drew all over our arms, even the we are both closeted (besides each other and a few other people who know) but lets get on to the story!!!

Kiri's POV

Shit, Shit, shit, shit, SHIT!!!!!! I could have just played it off as a joke, but NO, I had to go and freak out, like the IDIOT I am! Now they all know and they will hate me, I finally have friends, but I had to go ruin those friendships as well by letting my biggest secret slip, GOSH I'M AN IDIOT.

I was almost to my room when I felt tears threatening to fall, no don't cry, get inside your dorm first.

I basically threw my door open, the quickly slammed it shut, locking it. It was silent as I slid down my door and began to cry. I brought my head to my knees and started to weep. Darn it why am I so unmanly.

I was quickly brought out of my thoughts due to a pounding on my door.

"OPEN UP SHITTY HAIR!!" The voice behind the door yelled. Great! Bakugou has come to tell me that I can't hang with him or the group again, and I was really hoping I could be something more than friends with him, why I thought that? I have no idea.

The banging on the door only got louder as the seconds rolled by, Bakugou then proceeded to try and open my door, even tho it was locked.

"DAMN IT KIRI!!!!!" He yelled, making me flinch a little. D-did he just call me Kiri???? 0/////0

"Kirishima, We just want to talk to you, were not mad or disgusted, we just want to talk. So please unlock the door." W-was that even Bakugou?! He sounded so soft and calm. It wasn't like hike, but it was hella cute, OH SHUT IT GAY THOUGHTS, NOT NOW!!!!!

"Please Kiri" he said one last time in a voice so sweet it made my heart melt

"F-fine" I replied shakily, I really didn't want them to yell at me right now, to tell me about how I'm a fag, a horrible friend, unmanly, but how could I resist Bakugou he sounded so concerned, even the i doubt he was.

I slowly creaked the door open so just my head was peeking out.

The door was the pushed open and I was enveloped in a famous Bakusquad group hug. At first I was confused and tensed up, I wasn't expecting this reaction for when I came out, but then I realized what exactly was happening and I relaxed into the hug.

Gosh I love my friends

Srry that it was short and a bit cheesy, but here you go, an update!

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