Prologue ☲ Yellow Sunflower

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Air was being sucked from his body.

The little boy struggled to keep his head above the watery grave that was trying to swallow him whole.

"HELP! HELP ME!" He managed to scream as he flailed about. When he tried to gasp for air, icy-cold water flooded into his lungs. He attempted to raise his arms and legs but there was no leverage. He was beginning to sink further into the water, exhaustion taking over. 

He submerged and his struggling arms became still. The boy's eyes looked up towards the surface, catching sight of the distorted sun glimmering through. Was this the last thing he was going to see before he died? But he didn't want to die... Umma...

Just then the water around him trembled and he could make out a large mass making its way towards him. However before he could see who it was, he felt pressure in his head and everything had suddenly turned black.





The little boy's eyes flickered open as he felt his cheeks being lightly slapped. The concerned face of another young child came into full view but his eyes were immediately drawn to the sight of a yellow...sunflower?

His throat contracted and he instinctively sat up to cough up all the water that had built up in his lungs. He felt his back being lightly patted and after finding time to catch his breath, he turned to get a better look at his savior. 

Yeah, he was right. It was another child. Possibly around his age. Pale, porcelain-like skin. Thin yet delicate pink lips. Catlike eyes that screamed of curiosity and apprehension. And setting the child's bangs away from their eyes was a little yellow barrette shaped like a sunflower clipped neatly on the side of their dampened hair.

It was a girl. A beautiful girl.

"Are you alright?" Her voice was alluringly raspy and soft in tone. Who was this girl? 

He continued to stare in her direction, completely taken in by the little girl's beauty.

However, the girl's concerned expression quickly transformed into that of annoyance as she let out a shout. "Aish!"

The little boy jumped at the sudden outburst, his eyes blinking rapidly as the girl rose to her feet.

"I asked if you were alright! What are you deaf?! If you are alright, I'm going back! "

The girl began to turn.

"W-Wait! Th-Thank you f-for saving m-me" He struggled to say, his body shivering from the cold.

The girl stared down at him briefly, the corners of her mouth lifting slightly as she seemed to be deep in thought. "Wait here..." She then took off in the direction behind him.

The little boy attempted to warm himself as he waited on the girl to return.

She did. And in her hands was a jacket. She must have taken it off not long before jumping in to save him. He inhaled sharply as the girl knelt down in front of him. She was close. Really close.  And she smelled nice. It was a fragrance he was unfamiliar with.

That's when he noticed her...strange attire. A pair of oddly colored shoes, shorts made from some strange blue material, and a white blouse with the illustration of a black bear with red cheeks? Just where was this girl from?

The warm fabric was wrapped around his shoulders. He peered down at it, caressing it between his fingers. It was the same strange material as the girl's shorts. But it did seem to do a good job of keeping him warm. So he was grateful. "Thank you...I-" He looked up but gasped upon finding that the girl's face was now only inches away from his own.

His cheeks turning a bright red, he leaned back slightly and began to stutter. "Wh-What?!"

The girl blinked and sucked in a bit of air before saying, "Your hair is all in your face, I can't even see your eyes..." She cocked her head and shook it disapprovingly. "Bet you couldn't even see where you were going. That's probably how you fell in, huh?"

Well no, not really. But the boy couldn't bring himself to correct the other. He merely watched in confusion as the girl reached up for her barrette and zeroed in even closer.

At this point, he could feel his heart beating against his chest. His lips parted and his eyes were fixated as he felt his own bangs being pulled away from his face. 

Oh wow. 

Now he was getting a really good look at the girl's face. She looked focused, attempting to pin his hair up. Even though her bangs now fell over her forehead, he could still make out her captivating raven eyes under her long lashes. "There we go. You actually look better when your forehead is exposed..." She flashed a gummy smile and the boy couldn't help but smile back. He hadn't even realized that his own hair was now held up by the yellow barrette.

"...Beautiful" He whispered out without thinking. 

The girl's eyebrows rose and she leaned back as she looked at him in disgust. "Did you just call me beautiful?"

 The little boy's face was now red from embarrassment. "Wh-What? N-No, I-"

"Ah!" The girl suddenly called out. "I gotta go or my mom will be mad at me!" She rose to her feet and pulled the jacket from off the little boy. "Sorry but this is mine. You can have the barrette. Looks better on you than me. You should go find your mom too..." She began to walk off.

The little boy panicked and before he could stop himself, he reached out and grabbed the girl's wrist. "W-Wait...Will I ever see you again?"

The girl looked over her shoulder and began to contemplate. She blinked a few times, looking off into the distance before returning her attention back down at the boy. "Mm. I'll ask my mom if she can bring me tomorrow. We can play together then..." 

She smirked and slowly pulled away. "I'm getting my hair cut today. You should get yours cut too. And no more falling into lakes!" She flashed him that gorgeous smile and waved one last time before running into the woods.

At that very moment, the boy heard a voice call out to him.


The little boy peered over his shoulder before looking back in the direction the little girl had run off to. She was gone. Slowly he reached up and unfastened the barrette in his hair. He stared down into the palm of his hand. 

A yellow sunflower. 

A small smile crept upon the boy's face as he parted his lips to whisper,

"...My yellow sunflower..."

▒▒▒▒▒ Author's Corner ▒▒▒▒▒▒

Now, this takes me back. I used to wear barrettes and bows in my hair all the time as a little girl. Anyone else used to wear the butterfly clips in your hair? Or am I just THAT old? I had a love/hate relationship with those things. Especially when I'd walk in the room and accidentally step on one of them. Hurt like a bish! Anyways stay tuned for the next chapter! Love you all!

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