5 ☲ Ti Me Teo

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Was he that forgettable?

This question plagued his mind as Hoseok continued to scour the nearby villages for his fiancee.

At first, upon hearing the news, Hoseok had pretended to laugh off the situation in order to keep everyone else calm. "The princess is taking this whole playing hard to get to a whole new level", he had joked.

But truthfully, he was panicking for many reasons. Had she really forgotten about him? Even worse, what if she hadn't? Would it mean that he had disappointed her somehow? Is that why she ran?

"Young prince!"

Snapping out of his trance, he tugged the reins on his horse so that they turned towards the familiar voice.

It was one of the knights.

"We've caught up with a band of gypsies. They are unwilling to answer our questions about the princess..."

"I see..." 

Gypsies were a clan of nomads that lived to entertain through their alluring singing and dance shows. They were also known for being conniving and deceptive if one were to let their guard down. Many considered them to be an anomaly. Hoseok had always found them to be more intriguing.

The weird thing was that Gypsies often resided within the Luna kingdom and rarely traveled through Sol. It wasn't definitive but it could lead to something.

The prince nodded, agreeing with his last thought and commanded his horse forward. "Take me to them..."


There could only be one reason why the gypsies weren't complying with the knights. These sort of clans often reflected the actions of their leader. If he wasn't going to bend a knee, then neither were they. 

As they neared a curve on the road, he could make out a huge caravan. The royal knights stood by unmoving as they lined the side of the vehicle. Hoseok could make out a decent-sized group of people sitting behind the guards, their postures, uninterested and equable. It was if they had not a single care in the world, even with being held against their will by a bunch of royal soldiers.

The knights finally recognized the prince and quickly cleared a path for him. Upon doing so, a young man was revealed sitting on a rock. His beryl eyes lifted and locked unto Hoseok as he ran his fingers through his navy blue locks before resting the same hand unto a lifted knee. An exotic black feather dangled from his left ear and his body was adorned in colorful clothing. This was the signature attire for people of the gypsy clan. But the feather was a dead giveaway.

This man was their leader. The gypsy prince.

Hoseok hopped off of his horse and presented his best smile as he tugged at his jacket. He would need to get on the leader's good side if he was going to get any chance of finding out where the princess was. 

As he approached, some of the male gypsies rose to their feet but were quickly reprimanded when the blue-haired gypsy lifted his hand.

"We ket tou. Ni bala..." (Stand down. I will handle this.) The leader's voice was gentle yet it held a firmness to it. Enough so that anyone would know that he was serious. 

Swanee. An ancient language lost through time. Nowadays, only the gypsy clan were fluent in it.

Hoseok took this opportunity to introduce himself. "Good evening, I am-"

"I know who you are..." The leader interrupted, his eyes searching the Sol prince up and down before lowering his hand. "You are also a prince...and it seems you are looking for a princess..."

"Exactly!" The brunette placed his hands on his hips and gave a slight nod. "Sorry about the knights. They can be a bit brutish but they mean well...." Letting out a small chuckle, he waited on a response from the other.


The Sol prince cleared his throat and gave a light sigh. "You all don't have to answer my question but I am very worried about the Luna princess. She's in an unfamiliar land and with no one to guard her...anything can happen..." His smile waned as he stared past the bluette. 

The gypsy prince's eyebrow lifted slightly in interest.

"I need to find her..." Hoseok swallowed, his smile returning but now it was a mere shadow of its former self. "So if you know where she is. Please tell me..."

There was a brief silence before the gypsy prince spoke. "I'm sorry. I know nothing of the whereabouts of your princess."


"Thank you for your time..." He turned and began to make his way back to his horse.

The knight stared in disbelief. "But...But your highness.."

Hoseok paused as he shoved his hands in his pockets. "Regardless, the gypsy clan is still considered citizens of the Luna kingdom" He glared at the random knight in warning. "It would be wise to avoid any and all conflict with our sister country"

The knight's frown deepened and he reluctantly bowed his head. "Forgive me..."

Sudden laughter seeped past the brunette's lips before he gave the knight a good slap on the back, near startling the other. "Ah, don't worry about it. You guys really need to stop being so tense!"


A royal messenger had suddenly appeared. He galloped his way to them, his breathing sporadic. You would think he had run all the way on feet. "THE PRINCESS. THE PRINCESS HAS BEEN FOUND!"

Hoseok's eyes widened. "Really? Where is she now?!"

The gypsy prince's ears perked up as he slowly rose to his feet.

The messenger gestured his head north. "SHE IS BACK AT THE CASTLE!"

"Let's go now!" Hoseok turned to the gypsies and gave a slight bow. "You may continue to roam our lands. We won't bother you any further....HYAAH!" With a slap of his reins, he and his party hastened forward.

The gypsies all began to return to the caravan. All except the gypsy prince and his violet-haired companion.


The gypsy prince did not respond right away. "....Sungwoon Ha...I need you to look after the clan until I return..."

Ha gave an exasperated sigh. "Why am I not surprised... You still won't let her go, will you? She is the princess of the Luna Kingdom! Think clearly, Jimin!"

"I will not stand by while she is being held against her will..."

"So what, you are just going to kidnap her then?!"

Jimin started forward but made sure to throw a cheeky grin at his friend. "Maybe..."


The gypsy prince halted and turned in time to see his friend make a simple wave in his direction. "Ti me teo...!" (May you have good fortune)

Jimin smiled. "...Ti me teo" He continued to walk forward, his eyes fixated on the castle in the near difference. "Wait for me Yoonji..."

"I'm coming for you..."


I am dyyyying. The new concept photos for Black Swan is truly dangerous. BIGHIT IS REALLY TRYING TO KILL US!  Is it wrong to say I am actually scared for my life this comeback?! I'm not ready! Also sadly I won't be able to make it to any of their concerts. Anyone else going?

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