Spy princess

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Courtney POV
I was in my room thinking what life bring me into

Courtney POV I was in my room thinking what life bring me into

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Why did I meet him the first time?

Why am I so stupid trust him?


"Courtney!" An white asian with long raven hair called me

"Yes?" I said cleaning my teary onyx eyes

"You should stop crying for the stupid farm boy." Heather said giving me an tissue

"I just.. can't believe it" I said

"Well little bitch, you got an mission. Your going grab this crystal in Los Angeles, and you need take.. someone.." heather said giving me an file

"Don't tell me I-" I was cutted of By an blonde blue eye girl coming in the room

"Hi!" The blonde girl said and her name was Lindsay

"Are you seriously got to be kidding.." I said with my hand in my face

"I am not, and start packing your leaving first thing in the morning" heather said

"Okay.." I said getting suitcases out

This better be worth it.

Next morning

It was 4:00 am in the morning, we woke up really early beacuse are flight was at 6:00 am

And Lindsay took like 30 minutes in the bathroom getting her facial stuff ready?

"Lindsay? Are you ready?" I asked fraustraded look

"No! I need take out little hairs on my eyes brow" Lindsay yelled

I rolled my eyes

"Okay! I'm done. Not trying rude but" I shouted and went to my bathroom and pulled her out by her long blonde hair

"HEY!" She yelled

I dragged her to the my apartment is door and I grabbed my leagues

She was talking about why am I so sensitive when boys try flirt with me
On the way to the airport

"Wake up Lindsay! The world isn't about unicorns and pony's.. you gotta work hard for some things, and First is never ever let an guy break your feeling.." I said entering the airplane

She stayed quite, and we walked to take our sits

5 hours and 15 minutes?! Hell no you got to be kidding

Need stay with these dumb person next to me for 5 HOURS?! and 15 MINUTES?!

I will get dumb each second I'm next to her.. imagine 5 hours!? And 15 minutes?!

I put my headphones on

5 hours and 15 minutes

We were landed in Los Angeles California

Lindsay was talking about her and Tyler and her 4 year old daughter cat thing

When I was getting out my leagues I noticed an guy with black hair frustrated behind me

I waited everyone get off even Lindsay to help him

"Shit! I'm gona be late" the guy said

"Need help?" I asked

"Yeah.." He answered

I got up in tippy toes, and grabbed his small league

"Thanks.." He said

"No problem..what is your name?" I said

"My Names is Duncan" he said while his teal eyes were shinning

"And what's yours?" He asked while we started walking to the exit

"My is Courtney, but people call me court" I said smiling

"Well.. nice meet you Princess.." he said

Princess..? Well when he says it it sounds romantic but Princes?!

"Wanna exchange number?" I asked

"Sure.." He said handing me his phone

He looked like he was blushing, but I tried not notice it

"Well nice meet you duncan.." I said waving goodbye to him going to my car

"Bye Princess!" He said

Heh.. is it weird I'm falling for random person

To be continued

Heh... it's nothing sorry this was short but I want make it interesting;)

So I hope you enjoyed this chapter good bye

Have good day tho

And kids don't do cocaine..

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