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Sorry for late update...Hopefully when I get back i'll have more time to write.

Cyborg looked over at the boys. He was slow with his words, "You guys do have parents... don't you? Family we could call?" 

"Just drop it." Roy said in a sad yet stern voice. He walked over to where Rob was seated and put a hand on his shoulder. Even with the mask on one could tell that Rob looked like he was on the brink of tears. Beastboy knew that look, he slowly inched to the small boy.

"You lost your parents too?" Beastboy paused and Rob looked up. A couple of tears streamed down the boys face, he sniffled and whipped his arm on his nose. Speedy did the motion to 'cut it out' behind Rob's back to Beastboy. "Look I know that feeling..." The titans looked at each other with puzzled looks. They knew that something happened to Beastboy's parents, but he never shared the details. Kid Flash stood up and pulled Rob into a hug.

Roy stepped in front and put himself in between Rob and Beastboy. "Let's just drop it, okay?" He turned to see Kid Flash's uniform stained with tears. Rob's head popped up as he hiccuped and pressed back down into KF's chest. The room was silent but you could hear muffling sobs. Roy and Wally were like Rob's family, so Roy was very protective over the two.

Roy felt a knot in his stomach turned back to the Titans. "NOW HE'S CRYING! HAPPY NOW?" Beastboy took a step back and put his hands up in defense. "Dude I didn'-" "DIDN'T WHAT?! WANT TO BRING UP HIS DEAD PARENTS?" Kid Flash let go of Rob to put a hand on Roy's shoulder, "Cool it Roy." Roy felt his face read he wanted to say more he felt a fire burning in his chest. He shook off Kf's hand and took another step toward Beastboy, "YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT HE HAS BEEN THROUGH SO STOP ACTING LIKE YOU KNOW HIS STORY!" At this point Speedy had gotten up to hold back the younger version of himself.

"ROY!" He looked down to see little Wally grabbing Roy's arm. Roy looked down and realized what he said. He felt a pit in his stomach and quickly spun around to see that Rob was gone. Roy had a sinking feeling and felt his heart start racing.

"Where is young Robin?" Starfire asked. Roy looked down, so Wally answered for him. "He is probably went to hide." "We have to find him before he gets too far" Speedy said looking at the team. "Ah geez finding the master of shadows shouldn't be too hard." Kid Flash joked, trying to lighten the mood. Raven came from out of the corner, "Robin might know where he would've gone."

Speedy took a step forward, "I'll get Robin. Everyone else take a different part of the Tower and try and find Rob."

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