Drink 10

11.5K 460 262

I'm absolutely speechless right now; I have 3.1k as of right now as I write this chapter up. When his first started I got 10 views in a week. Now I am getting 100-250 views in a day. To some it may not be many, but to me it is amazing to see this progress.

When I started writing fan fiction 3 years ago (shuddering at those memories of 1D fanfics that were oh so cliché) I never got many views, I got a lot of hate comments, and so on. Just now this year, one of my fan fictions from two years ago reached 10,000 views. That was two years ago. I started this not even a month ago and already have 3k. That amazes me. So thank you to each and every single person who reads this story, even if you hate it, or get bored with it, I know that it still reached someone's eyes. J

I want to start dedicating chapters to my readers, so if you leave my a comment about maybe why you like the story, what is your favorite chapter so far, what you want to see in the next chapter, and so on, I will pick one of you for each new chapter to dedicate and write something about you. I will check out your profile, follow if (if not already) and write about you. Hows that sound? I think it would be fun. Anyways, I had some free time after schoolwork and decided to write. I'm really breaking my rules of only updating on weekends, aren't I? Oops.

"Oh I'm a mess right now, inside out. Searching for a sweet surrender, but this is not the end."

I sang along to my stereo as I walked around my room, throwing things around onto my floor and bed as I desperately searched for something decent to wear.

"How about this one Grace?" I asked, turning to my laptop which had Skype open, showing my friends face on the screen as she flipped through a magazine. Her head darted up and she scrunched her nose in disgust at the shirt I was holding.

"No way Gen, that's hideous." She spoke and I laughed.

"You bought this for me when I turned 17." I said placing a hand on my hip and she shrugged.

"I bought it because I was upset at your cute clothes. I needed you to have something ugly in your wardrobe." She stated and I rolled my eyes.

I made my way back into my closet, humming to the Ed Sheeran song still playing when I heard Grace groan loudly through my speakers. I peeked my head out to look at the screen with a raised eyebrow.

"Can we please listen to non sad music? I'm becoming depressed. Don't make me eat my feelings; you know I'm on a juice diet." She said with a pout and I rolled my eyes once more. I seemed to do that a lot around her. Also she had this obsession with trying out new diets all the time, but they always ended the same; her giving up and ordering takeout from 5 different places. No matter how many times I told her this, she denied it countless times.

"Fine fine. What would you like to listen to?" I asked, walking over to my stereo where my phone was plugged in, playing the music. When she was silent I turned around to look at the screen only to be greeted by her smirking with crossed arms.

"What?" I asked with a sigh

"Play me Mr. Bartender's band." She said and I blushed, thinking of Luke. I hadn't spoken to him since our incident, which was now a week ago. I even skipped one of my classes to get out of seeing him. After what had happened, I could hardly look him in the eye let alone speak. I just ran out of the house with him yelling after me, the boys shocked as I went out the front door and back to my place. There had been a few knocks on my door and rings to my phone but I ignored everything. He basically won, didn't he? He "got into my pants." And he knew it. I was afraid to face him and hear what he had to say.

"I'm not playing their music. I don't want to even think about them." I said to her and she shrugged, looking away from her screen as she started typing. Next thing I knew I heard the beginning of Green light and my eyes widened. They must have uploaded it online to their YouTube account. To make things worse, I stupidly told Grace how Luke wrote the song about me.

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