Just The Start (Chapter 1)

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Never was I single digit size. I always wore the double digits. By the age of 5 my thighs stuck together and I never knew the meaning of a thigh gap.

Fried chicken was my best friend.

See, you might have ate happy meals or even mighty meals from McDonald's but me? Honey, I wanted a number 1 from McDonald's and please upgrade it to a large.

Growing up it was hard going to school, not because I was slow or anything. It was because I was fat and I had asthma. I could barely breathe.

Gasping for air every minute or second of the day got on my last damn nerves!Especially it got on the nerves of my classmates too but I couldn't help it.

By the year I turned 16 I had went to get my wisdom teeth taken out. They weren't whole teeth! Just my luck it was only half and they hurt like hell.

Since I had "Asthma" the Doctors tried to place different sizes tubes down my throat which had oxygen in the tube in case of me possibly having an Asthma attack. Well come to find out I didn't have Asthma! I had Obstruction of airway.

My airway was the size of a penny while normal airways are the size of a nickel.

That's why I was gasping for air because I barely had an opening in my airway! Well thank God they fixed that! I can breathe normally again.

I know you're wondering when I am going to get to about me and how I look. Well let's see..

Hey! My name is Miracle Gordon. I am not mixed! I am a young African American girl. I'm not light skin either! I actually am Brown Skin. #TeamBrownSkin For life!

I'm 17 years of age and I am a senior at Cane Ridge High in Antioch, Tennessee [Roughly 15 minutes away from Nashville, TN]. I have Sandy Brown hair that falls to my shoulder. I actually have been natural since my sophomore year and my hair is doing pretty well if you ask me.

When I say natural I mean no chemicals in my hair to make it straight or to make it curl. I only wash which consists of shampooing and conditioning my hair. I blow dry and I spray some Oil Sheen on my hair to straighten it with my flat irons.

I'm fat as well. I weigh 200+ pounds. I stand 5 feet and 8 inches from the ground.

I have C cup boobs and a little booty. I was glad I'm tall because it didn't make me look so fat.




"Miracle, did you eat my last piece of Chicken?" My mom asked annoyed.

She was tapping her foot on our brand new wooden floor she just had installed a few days ago. I looked up at her and I began to blush. I did in fact eat her last piece of Chicken but it was only because I was so damn hungry I thought my stomach was going to cave in.

"No mama I didn't! Why would you ever think that?" I said.

She looked at me rolled her eyes. She threw her hands up in defeat and she walked away from my room but it didn't take her long to get back. I knew this wasn't going to be the end of this. I prepared myself.

"You lie so much Miracle!" She yelled.

Now she was furious. I watched as she brought her clear container into my room. I knew the drill!

The only time my mama brought her clear container that had the words "Junk Food "on the side of the container meant my mama came to take all my snacks away.

That was her way of punishing me for not asking if I could eat her last piece of Chicken.

I sluggishly walked around my room to all my hiding spots to get my junk food out. I threw it on my queen size bed. It was Debbie Snacks and bags of chips along with Nabisco Oreo's [Milk's Favorite Cookie's].

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