Chapter 2

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The nice breeze carressed your hair. You closed your eyes and inhaled the night flower scent. When you told Loki that you were going out for a walk, all he did was wave you out without saying a word. He didn't even look up from his book.

You made your way to the small villiages where you grew up.

The houses were rather small, but it was home. Children played on the cobblestone streets.

You felt safe here.

You then heard a voice in your head.


He had taught you a magic spell to allow you to hear his thoughts. Your heart skipped a beat as you heard his voice. Once again, you admitted to yourself that you had feelings for him.

"Love. I've learnt a new spell that I found rather interesting. It's...well I'd rather suprise you. Sorry for ignoring you earlier. I'll make it up to you. I'll see you back at our chambers."

You couldn't help but smile. "Okay. I'll be right up."

You turned back and looked down to your hands, practicing on forming a (favorite color) light on your palms.

Loki always told you it was dangerous to do magic without a master there to guide you, but you figured what the hell. It's just a light.

You smiled as it grew bigger, then you let it go.

It fell to the ground and stood there for a bit after vanishing.

Then you heard screams. You quickly turned and seen the villiage behind you burst into flames. You watched in horror as the people burned alive.

The children that were playing ran to safety, along with a young mother and father and their new born child.

The flames rose higher and higher and you screamed as you noticed the flames were now surrounding you.

There was no way out. You couldn't breathe. You coughed and gasped and fell to the floor. Tears stung your eyes and blurred your vision. But not enough for you to miss a man in a black cloak with a covered face walking away through the fire.

He caused this!

You tried to get up but you were too weak.

You collapsed, barely breathing and your eyes half open. The fire was closer to you now.

You yelped as a flame licked your neck.

Then it was gone.

You barely felt yourself being dragged away.

"She needs fresh air. Get her some fresh air! I need to investigate how this happened."


You then recognized the hands dragging you. Sif.

Thor, Fandral, Hogun, and Volstagg followed Loki into the charred villiage.

After Sif got you to a good spot, she took the surviors toward the palace.

"Don't worry." She told them. "You'll be in Queen Frigga's care."

As Sif walked away, you heard the patter of horse hooves on the cobblestone.

It was Odin. He observed the villiage and got off his horse when Thor, Loki, Fandral, Hogun, and Volstagg returned.

"What happened here?" He asked.

Thor looked down and Loki looked to you.

He made his way to you and helped you up, looking deeply into your (eye color) eyes.

"What were you doing here?" He asked.

"I-I was taking a walk.." you answered.

Loki shook his head. "This fire was caused by magic! Were you doing magic!?"

You shook your head.

"TELL ME THE TRUTH!!" he yelled, making you flinch.

Your eyes watered as you nodded your head yes.

"Yes what?!" Loki yelled.

"Yes, I did practice magic! But I merely made a light! And it wasn't me!! I saw a man that-"

"So you admit it!? You killed all these innocent lives!" Yelled Odin.

You shook your head. "No! It wasn't me!! It was-"

"That's it. Hogun, Fandral. Take her to the Bifrost!" Ordered Odin.

"No! Loki please!! You know I'm not advanced enough to do this!!" You pleaded.

Loki raised his eye brow, his expression blank. "Do I?"

A tear rolled down your cheek.

They dragged you away and you heard Thor, Loki, and Odin follow.


You were suprised that Heimdall seen nothing. He said that you were shrouded from his vision, making it seem even more so that you were the suspect.

You bowed your head in defeat. There was no way to reason with these people.

So you let them banish you. And you left quietly.

And all Loki did was stand there and watch while his fiancee was sent to Earth. Forever.

Violent Delight (Hiccup x Reader x Loki) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now