Chapter 5

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You looked around the forest as Hiccup was leading you to the small lake he had just been at.

You kept stumbling on rocks because you were too busy looking up at the trees that you were almost positive was half the size of some buildings in Asgard.

This time as you were looking at the top of a tree you actually fell.

"Ow!" You yelped.

Hiccup ran to you and helped you up.

"Woah, careful there. You might break your leg or something."

You smiled. "Thanks for the warning."

Hiccup smiled back and glanced you over before turning around and leading the path again. This time you made sure that you payed attention to where you were going.

You then stop in your tracks as something flew by you. It was small and fast but you caught it landing on a tree branch.

It was a bird of some sort but none that you've ever seen before.

You heard foot steps come closer to you but it didn't break your stare away from the bird.

Hiccup stood next to you and looked at the bird with you.

"That there is a Blue Jay. I take it you don't have those up in Asgard."

You shook your head.

"No. We don't."

You two then continued walking the rest of the way in silence.

When you got to the lake, you smiled at its simple beauty.

The water had the sunset's gleam in it.

Hiccup sat down and you decided to sit next to him.

"It's quite beautiful here."

Hiccup chuckled. "Well, it's as good as it's gonna get."

You looked at the orange sky.

The clouds had a pinkish tint and they moved slowly towards the horizon.

"I come here alot. It's like my thinking place or when I just want to get away from all the chaos. knows I come here except for my mother and Toothless." Hiccup stated.

You looked at him. "Toothless?"

Then, you felt something nudge on your back and you screamed and scrambled up. You really were the jumpy type.

"No no no, it's okay (y/n)! It's just Toothless. He's my dragon."

You looked at the dragon. Ah, yes. You recognized him.

You laughed a little and looked at Hiccup, making a face as if to ask if you can touch Toothless.

Hiccup nodded with a smile.

You slowly walked up to Toothless and raised a hand to touch his head.

Toothless leaned in when you paused in front of him.

You heard Hiccup silently laugh.

"What's so funny?" You asked.

"Nothing. It's just, the first time you pet him is very similar to the first time I pet him. I paused too. And he leaned in."

You scratched Toothless's head and looked back at Hiccup. Toothless decided to lay down and he dragged you down with him.

"Oh!" You said when you hit the floor.

"Toothless! Bad dragon!" Scolded Hiccup.

You laughed. "It's alright. He just wants to be comfortable while I scratch his head. Don't you, boy?"

He smiled his toothless cute smile and licked you repeatedly.

"Toothless, you know that doesn't wash out!" Hiccup scrambled up and stopped Toothless.

Hiccup laughed as he got some licks too. When Toothless was done, he layed his head on the ground and took a little nap.

You and Hiccup sat side by side and leaned your backs against a sleeping Toothless.

"Such beautiful creature you have. How old were you when you first got him?"

"I got him six years ago when I was fifteen."

You nodded your head. You two were silent for a moment.

"How was it up there in Asgard? Did you ever meet Odin?"

You chuckled. "Yes I did. I actually lived in the palace."

Hiccup's eyes lit up. "So you met his sons Thor and Baldr?"

You had a confused look. "I'm sorry, Baldr? Odin has no son named Baldr."

"But the legends say that he had two sons and their nams were Thor and Baldr. But Baldr was killed by an evil god named Loki. Loki had a wife named Sigyn but his children werw not with her. They were with a frost giant and some horse and he has an eight legged horse baby, a snake baby, a half dead daughter, and a wolf. And also-"

Hiccup stopped because you started to laugh. "May I ask what were the .names of these children?"

"Uhh Slepnir, Jorgummand, Hel, and Fenrir.."

You laughed harder.

"What's so funny?" He asked.

"Oh, you better change the information on your books because their wrong. Odin never had a son named Baldr. And Loki doesn't have a wife nor children. But Odin does have two sons. That would be Thor and wait for it....Loki. Yes, Loki is a prince of Asgard, youngest brother of Thor, God of Mischief, master of magic."

Hiccup was suprised. "Then that means... Loki isn't really evil?"

You nodded. "Well he can be but not in a stage were be kills people. He will pull a few pranks here and there but that's about it."

Hiccup narrowed his eyes. "How do you know so much about Loki?"

You paused. You stared off into the distance and sighed. "Well, I know so much about him because he is the prince and he is very well known throughout the kingdom along with Thor and..." you drifted off.


"I was betrothed to him."

"Like you were engaged to him?! Woah! Future princess or what?!" Hiccup exclaimed in excitement.

You half smiled. "Well..not anymore. I think the wedding is off."

Hiccup had a look of confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"Let's just say that Loki didn't really love or care for me the way I thought he did.."

Hiccup was silent. You bowed your head and you felt Hiccup put a hand to your shoulder.

"I think he'll come to his senses. You're a fun girl. Easy to talk and a great listener. You seem like you have a fun personality and not to mention very pretty. So...yeah."

Hiccup blushed.

You looked at him and smiled. "Thank you, Hicc."

"Oh, nickname. That's a new one."

You laughed.

Hiccup smiled a goofy toothy smile.

"Hey, we should get going. Almost time for dinner and Gobber really wouldn't appreciate it if we miss dinner."


Hiccup smiled. "Yeah, he's the black smith of this villiage. And he was an old friend of my dad's."

You nodded. You moved your hair over your right shoulder, exposing part of the burn mark on your neck.

"Hey, I've been meaning to ask you. How did you get that burn mark."

You stood silent. You didn't know how to answer. So instead you just said, "I'd rather not talk about it."

Hiccup nodded in understanding.


Toothless woke up and walked with you and Hiccup back to the villiage for dinner.

Violent Delight (Hiccup x Reader x Loki) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now