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"you're spoiling him," jaebum complains as he watches seulgi feed cerberus more preserved meat from above ground.

"am not."

"he's going to be disappointed when you run out of your supply, or when you leave again."

"it's fine, because when i return, i'll just bring him more." seulgi smiles, rubbing the beast's belly. "that's all for now, cerberus." she cooed before making her way over to her husband, who rolls his eyes before she links arms with him and they begin their daily tour. "the mortals spoil their domesticated pets...feed them scraps from their meals."

"we are not mortals, and cerberus isn't domesticated."

"he might as well be. he obeys you, his tail wags when he's happy-"

"his tail is a serpent."

"it still moves when he's happy or content."

"you've spent too much time with mortals." jaebum tells her, patting her hand that rests on his arm. as they walk, souls call out to them, asking for salvation that they won't receive because the judges control their fates, not jaebum. he just keeps them all from leaving. when jaebum ignores them, they yell horrible things, claiming this is why he's the most hated god amongst fellow gods and mortals. he, as usual, just shrugs it off and takes the insults. seulgi, has a kinder heart than he does, always tries to defend his name even though it's fruitless.

the hatred he receives probably stems from his job? he was given the short stick, banished to rule the underworld. he has some control over the earth, just as his brothers do, but there's no need to go up there, it's too crowded. it's not like it bothers him much, anymore. even if it still did, nothing would change, so keeping that in mind he lets others spew their hate. despite being seen as evil, he wasn't evil. he didn't personally torment many, only those who've done him wrong, and the treatment given to the souls in their afterlife wasn't all him either. they were judged, and dished their punishments based off their lives above ground, and jaebum just made sure there was a balance between the blessed souls and the foul ones.

plus, he liked to think that seulgi's love for him was enough to make up for all the hatred, which is why he's so exclusive and fiercely loyal to their union. he desired a wife out of boredom, but scored one that he deems the perfect match for him. she balances him, just as he balances her. her beauty is unsurpassed, and their passion and desire for one another is as hot as the fiery pits of the underworld.

they make their way to her garden again. it was a gift from him to her, filled with her favorite plants that are forever in full bloom. at first, she used it as her escape from him when he first abducted her, but the more she got to know him, and the more she fell in love, she started inviting him to her sanctuary. now, it's their sacred escape, not just hers. they lie amongst the flowers, and under a pomegranate tree, jaebum running his hands through her long tresses. "would you ever consider coming to earth with me one day? we can disguise ourselves and take a stroll amongst the mortals." seulgi suggests as she makes herself comfortable in his embrace, her hand drawing random patterns on his chest.

"you know i'm not very sociable. plus, how will the underworld behave in my absence?"

"the underworld has enough going on where it would be okay for one day of your absence... not to mention you'd still have control of it from earth, and would be able to come back anytime to handle any possible issue."

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