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jaebum is anxious and it shows in how he taps, taps, taps his foot as he sits on his throne, awaiting news of his wife's arrival. he's a bit excited to see her, even though it's been months since their last encounter and he was practically shoving her out the door. at that time, he was annoyed, he was ready for her to leave so he could be at peace and she would stop fussing over him and complaining that he hogs all the sheets at night which is unfair because she gets cold easily and he keeps the underworld precisely two degrees colder than she deems it should be (she also claims it's done out of spite but jaebum just thinks she's crazy).

they're an interesting mix, and though she annoys him, jaebum is completely enamored with her. sure, the circumstances of their union and how they came to be isn't exactly an example of proper etiquette or even proper courtship, but he saw an opportunity and he grasped it.

everyone knows the story of the goddess of spring, and how the "evil" lord of the underworld kidnapped her to make her his bride after her mother rejected him as a potential suitor. it was a spur of the moment thing, he was enraged at her mother's outburst and distaste towards him so he lashed out and kidnapped seulgi while she was picking flowers in a meadow.

it did not work in his favor at first, seulgi was full of grief, despair and stubbornness. refused to eat, to talk to him or to take on her duties as new queen of the underworld. then her mother intervened once again, stopped doing her job as goddess of harvest, and threatened to starve all of mankind into extinction, all because she was sad that she couldn't find her daughter. his brother and ruler of gods, aka jinyoung, had sent messenger of gods, aka mark, knocking at his door begging for compromise. the fact that seulgi was not enjoying her stay irked jaebum, but he knew she'd eventually grow to love the underworld which was the only reason why he tricked her into eating a pomegranate, totally had nothing to do with the rule that once you eat from the underworld you are forever tied to it and shall return no matter what. it didn't matter anyway, seulgi revealed that she wanted to come back when asked by her mother irene.

so a deal was made. half the year, seulgi would spend it in olympus with her mother, and the earth would flourish in harvest resulting in spring and summer, months that personified seulgi's sunshine, the other half of the year, she would return to the underworld, to her husband, and rule by his side, resulting in fall and winter, the cold and fruitless months.

when spring begins to near, jaebum's usually pushing seulgi out the door, kissing her goodbye and returning to his work, glad to be alone for a moment. it's always temporary though, because the minute she leaves the underworld is the same minute he begins to miss her again. ruling by yourself gets lonely.... and even his guard dog cerberus gets a bit lazy when seulgi's not around (which jaebum thinks is unfair... how can his own dog like seulgi more? he raised him for crying out loud!)

he doesn't usually leave the underworld, there's no real need to. the affairs of the other gods hold no interest to him, especially since most of them are screwing around on their significant others, or lying in bed with mortals just for fun. jaebum likes being alone, likes doing his job and staying out of trouble. he has everything that he needs down here anyway. a nice home, a dog, servants, a (now) loving wife, food, and all of the world's most precious metals and gems. that being said, he does wonder what seulgi does when she's in olympus or walking on earth.

the news of her arrival reaches jaebum when he hears cerberus' barks of joy, the only time the menacing creature acts like the dog that he technically is. he's quick to get off his feet then, making his way towards the gates and waiting patiently. seulgi comes home dressed in bright colors, and it kind of hurts jaebum's eyes because he's so used to the darkness of his realm. she laughs at the way he squints at her, before breaking out into a sprint and crashing against him, "hi."

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