A Skit (a Rizal B-day special)

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I know it's late but better late than never I guess... Happy (one day late) Birthday Pepe!!!

Philippines and her fellow nations (and her siblings) do a skit/roleplay about José Rizal's life (but it is always his love life/trip to Europe).

They are doing this is to help fund new/struggling/upcoming writers.

(I am so fruking mad right now....It didn't save my this previous chapter and Wattpad fruking stopped working and it went back to the fruking begining!...my previous work was wash off...It was almost done............Rip time/research.......also





Sorry for cursing...

[Edit: Putang ina mo Wattpad....

You're making fun of me by distorting my typed cussing....
I wasted fruking 10 minutes putting spaces and Scheisse into this but noooooo you have to fruking pissed me off! Ina ng-...]

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