Are we gonna get the rest of the Asean? (Debunked)

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Update: This was debunked by SolisLuna1999. Thanks to her for the information.

I will be leaving this post just in case someone saw the picture if this was real and go spreading it.

Is this actually real?!?
Are we gonna have the other ASEAN countries?

As I was searching through Hetalia Archives I was going through the sections I got intrigued by the Minor Character section. I was searching through Asia to find our precious Piri if she actually showed up yet. But what I found is surprising.

It is said on the HetaWiki the top of Indonesia's sketch is 'PRESUMABLY' Brunei and our Precious Piri.

So is this true? Who knows

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So is this true? Who knows. For the Hardcore Hetalia Fans please clarify.

Here's the link so you can go see it for yourselves.(Also it's on the Asia section):

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