Chapter 17: You Don't Know...

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After he throw me in the portal, I hit the ground. I felt guilty for not being able to help him properly. I'm just useless. I betrayed the group, and now, I disappointed Day. I just had to keep Error and Ink there. And I let them go. It's my fault. I failed him... "Killer! Are you ok?" Day was trying to get me to get up but I just sat there. "Killer?" I don't get it. Just a few days ago, he said he hated me. And now, even when I failed him, he's worried. I dont get it. Why does he care? What am I to him?

I had to answer him, so I did. "I'm sorry, I screwed up..." He sighed, "It's....Ok...But are you all right?" I realized how my arm hurt. I fell on it when Error throw me in. "Just my arm hurts a little. But... Why are you kind to me? I just failed you and...I..." He sighed, "I....I- You're my friend. Not my puppet or anything. Everyone can make mistakes and...I-" "Ow!" I accidentally cut him off because of my arm. I was trying to look at my arm to see how hurt it was, I realized it was cracked. Day immediately sat next to me and checked my arm. "He said he wouldnt do anything!" He kinda yelled with an angry voice.

I deserved it though. "I'm fine, I just fell on my arm-" before I could finish, he started to heal my arm. He can still heal? I looked at him, "Did they say anything before letting you go?" Then I remembered what he said. 'I'll never forgive you...' I nodded. "Error did but, it's not important. But, Day, can I ask you something?" He nodded. "Why are you doing this? I mean, is it really because you still like Ink?" He froze to my question. He finished healing me and just looked at me. "It's not that, actually. At first, I was heartbroken but... Now? I just want to see them suffer. After all, they replaced me. " Oh, yeah Nightmare was back to his old form. I sighed. "You know... We dont have to do this..." He looked at me, "What do you mean?" I looked down. And answered,

"I mean, what's the point? Didnt you always wanted you're brother back? Didnt you always wanted to see them all happy? Didnt you always wanted peace?" I sighed, "Dream, I know you're still there. And I dont care if you say it's too late. Because it's not. Sure, they might hate the person you are now, but, everybody can change. Don't you know they... Even Nightmare.... Want you back?" He growled. And stood up. "What do you know? Huh? YOU CAN'T UNDERSTAND ANYTHING YOU-" Before I could realize, tears flew down,my 'eyes'.

I looked at him to cut him off. "Don't act like you know how Nightmare felt. I'm not trying to defend him. But, I dont want you to be sad, knowing the wrong thing. He cared about you! And you cared about him. But, whenever he had to fight you, he always faked to be evil. Do you know the reason? No, because you never tried to understand him. You never tried to understand anything at all! So, stop acting like you're the one suffering the most. You always thought you tried to understand but you didnt. Or couldnt. Because if you did, you would know, all of us suffered and Nightmare... I won't even mention him. He suffered at least twice more then you. Everyone in the gang knew that." He froze.

He just stood there. And saw how my eyes were full of hhatrd. I sighed to calm myself down. "Just know that, he cares about you. So much. And deep down, you do too." Then I left his room and went to my room, closing his door with a thud. I didnt regret telling him all that. It was the truth. You might think that Nightmare gave him the Negativity apple to destro the last positive apple, but, no, he didnt. Especially Nightmare knew how positive Dream was. The Negativity apples couldnt destroy his positivity. Nightmare wanted Dream to become stronger and join his side so that they wouldnt fight anymore. That was the actual reason. Anyone in the gang could tell but we all hid this as a secret. Even the Fells agreed.

Was I too harsh on him?

*DAY POV*(Oof)
Was he saying the truth? Did.... How.... Why.... Nightmare cared about me? I didnt actually wanted to understand? Was I that selfish? No, he... He is wrong... But the way he looked at me... The hatred in his eyes... I could feel he was feeling hate, sadness and guilty. He was only feeling negative emotions. I felt guilty. It was my fault. He was right. I didnt actually care... I never cared. I still dont but... Why do I care about Killer? Why him? Is it because he stayed by my side?

I sat on my bed, and sighed (Why? Just why?) I felt like I had to apologize to him. It was my fault for making him mad. I still dont understand why I care about him so much. I got up and went to his room. I knocked on the door. "Killer?" He didnt answer for a few minutes but opened the door. "Y-yeah?" His voice was weak, and he looked like he was... crying? "Killer, a-are you ok?" He nodded, "I'm okay. And I'm sorry for being harsh I...I-I didnt mean to-..." He started sobbing and crying. I "H-Hey, Killer! Calm down! What's up?" He looked at me he blushed and looked away. "S-Sorry I-I... I don't know why I'm..." I sighed (OH FOR THE LOVE OF GOD-) and hugged him. "Calm down, I can't understand you when you're crying. Please don't cry. Not again." After a few minutes, he calmed down. I asked again, letting go of him. "Now, what's wrong?" He answered, "I realized I was too harsh on you and regretted being that harsh, and then, before I could realize I started to cry... I-I'm sorry for being harsh on you and being a crybaby... I..." I sighed, (I have nothing to say...) "Its alright... sorry for yelling at you earlier." We both fell silent for half an hour which felt like five hours.

Aannnnndddddd I posted one day late... Sorry about that I forgot to write it yesterday. Heck, I even had to draw Cross at frigin 10 PM Well, I call it karma.  Ok, Here's Cross from The Broken Game!

He never forgets to Cross by you're heart

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He never forgets to Cross by you're heart

Ok! 1130 Words

Sanscestlover out!

The Broken Game // An Errink story~~~ (Multiship) (Has Alot Of Krème Too-)Where stories live. Discover now