Chapter 4: "A different Peter Pan."

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I walked to find him. Why he needs to move the camp? I walked for a long time. I am far from they now. 

"Peter, where are you?"- I shouted out. 

He stepped out from the tussock. "Shh! I am here."- He said. He looks very uncomfortable.

"What did you do? I waited for you for a long time."- I stepped closer to him, took his hands and said.

"I have some stories must solve. I said you don't go anywhere. Why you are here?"- He said.

I looked at he by worry eyes:"I worried about you. Don't avoid me like that. I really care about you!"

He looked into my eyes. The eyes were softer than before. He said gently:"Okay. Let's back to the bedroom."

"Wait. I have something want to show you."- I said. I took out a ring I made by leave. 

"What's that?"- He asked me.

"It's a ring. I made for you in the time I used to wait for you. Is it nice?"- I asked.

"Yes."- He looked at me and said.

"It's my present for you. Here, take it."- I said.

"For me?"- He asked.

"Of course. I do on my own. Take it. I really want we closer to each other."- I said.

"Thanks."- He said.

"You're welcome."- I said. I stopped a little. I stood up. "So... Let's go."

He took my hand:"Wait. I have one thing want to give you." 

I sat down. I saw he took a leave and did something. He wrapped it into a circle. Now, it is a bracelet out. "I just did it just now. It's doesn't look as good as you give me. But I hope you will recieve it."- He said.

"Of course I will. Look! It's so beautiful."- I said.

We walked back to the bedroom. I stopped in front of the door. I walked into it. I turned back. He asked me:"Do you want to back home?" "Not now. I think I want to stay with you more."- I said and smiled:"Sound weird but I really want to stay with you." He walked away. I don't to the bed and openned the cabinet. I didn't have anything to do, so I ate the fruits I took before met Peter. It's sweet. I sat be a while and  started feeling uncomfortable, hard to breathe. Something in my neck. Peter walked inside. "Peter, I need some water."- I said. He passed for me the glass. I drank it. A few minutes later, I fell asleep.

I openned my eyes. I didn't lie on the bed. I was in a cage. I tried to open the door but it locked. I looked outside. I was in the camp of Peter. "Peter. Peter."- I shouted out. I felt tired. I saw Peter in front of my cage. He looked into it. "Peter. Why I am here?"- I asked him. He didn't openned the door. He looked at me by different eyes. It doesn't gently, doesn't mild. It's scary, poisonous, sinister. This Peter is completely different from Peter last night. It seems that he has become another person. 

"Wendy. You need to stay in it for a time."- He said.

"Why?"- I said.

"Because you betrayed me. You guide the enemy to my camp."- He said in anger.

"Betreyes you? I didn't."- I said.

"You didn't? So what did you do?"- He asked me.

"I didn't know who are they."- I explained.

"They are family of the person has the heart of the trustest believer."- He said.

"You are holding the boy?"- I asked.

"Yes."- He answered.

"Why? Why you're holding him?"- I asked.

"Because I need his heart."- He said.

"Need his heart to do what?"- I asked.

"To live. I am dying slowly. If they come here, take him away, I will die. But you lead them to here."- He said.

"Because I thought they are your friends."- I said.

"My friends? I don't have any friends. You need to know that."- He said.

"No, you have. I am your friend."- I said.

"I have never recognized that you are my friend."- He said.

He walked away. I can't believe that I have never as his friend. It broke my heart. He doesn't know that he means something with me. He's important with me. I felt too sad. I put out the bracelet that he for me. Looked at it for a little time. It's doesn't have any means. Maybe I shouldn't try making he better. Maybe I should find the way to go home. I want to through it away but I didn't. I kept the bracelet. He doesn't mean anything with me more. I can't hold back my tears. It rolled down my checks.

ONCE UPON A TIME- DarlingPan's storyWhere stories live. Discover now