Chapter 5:"The poison"

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I felt tired. Sometime I coughed. I felt like something in my body and it made me sick. I can't stop thinking about him although I mean nothing with him. I had a headache. I hard to breathe. I need some water. But I can't tell anyone. They didn't care about me. I was tired from when I eat the fruit I picked in the forest. I didn't know what is it. I saw he sat on the log with a young boy. He wore a shirt, a jean. Peter treated him very kindly. But he treated me not like that. I looked at the way Peter treat he. Maybe he is the boy that Peter mentioned. For a long time, the boy is ran into the forest. Maybe the boy wanted to run away. After Peter knew that. He came to my cage opened the door. I looked at he by fearful eyes. He raised his hand. "Wendy. Come on."- He said. I still sit in the cage. He looked at me. He took my wrist. Pull me very hard out of the cage. I stood by he. 

"What do you want?"- I asked. 

"I want you to do something."- He aswered.

"You want me to do something for you? I thought I was useless with you."- I said.

"Not yet, Wendy. You still useful with me."- He said.

"So, what I need to do?"- I asked.

"Follow me."- He said.

He led me to the small bedroom.  We walked inside. I coughed again. He turned to me.

"Nothing."- I said.

"Wendy, listen to me. When the boy name is Henry come. You must pretend that you're sick and tell him just magic can save you. If he save magic, you'll alive."- He said.

"Why I need to do that?- I asked.

"Don't ask anything, just do what I say."- He said.

I nod my head and lied on the bed, waited for the boy. Peter hid behind the curtain. He wanted I pretend I am sick. He didn't know I was real disease. I coughed more than before. Peter before very kind, sweet and care about me. But now, Peter is different. He likes being a different person. Scary, aggressive, not interested in anyone. I didn't see my ring for he on his finger more. It's also true, I no longer wear his bracelet, there is no reason he has to wear it. Peter was right. The boy came. He sat on the bed. 

"Hi, I'm Henry."- The boy said.

"I'm Wendy. You should go now."- I said.

I coughed, proved tired. He looked at me. 

"Are you okay?"- He asked.

I nod my head.

"There must be something I can help you."- He said.

"I stayed here for a long time. The magic here is getting weaker and weaker and something makes me more related in magic here than others."- I said and coughed again.

"So... It's mean if I save magic, you will alive."- He said.

I nod my head. "You should go now."- I said.

He stood up, went to the door. "I will come back for you. I promise."- He said and then went downstairs. A few minutes after, Peter stepped out. He went to my bed. "Well done. If it's me, I can't act as well as you."- He said. I sat up. Somehow I kept coughing. He looked at me. 

"Tell me, why you need he save magic?"- I asked. 

"Not really true, actually I need his heart. Now, back to your cage."- He said.

"No, I don't want back to it."- I said.

"But you need to do that."- He said. He took my hand and pulled me. I jerked my hand back. He stopped. 

"You think what are you doing?"- He said.

"No. Don't force me back to it. You can't control me."- I said.

"Really?"- He said.

I ran away. Ran fast away. I didn't see he chase me. Ran for a long time. I saw some light. I went to it. There is a house on tree. Someone inside it. I curious to climb the staircase. It is a small house. I walked inside. Being thirsty, I drank the glass of water on the table. Then a woman came, she wore clothes of this island. The woman that I led to the camp of Peter. 

"Wendy?"- She asked.

She came to me. "Why you are here? You know where is Peter Pan, right?"- She asked.

Something made me lie. 

"No, I don't. I just thirsty so I found some water."- I lie.

 I coughed continue. 

"Wendy."- She called me. 

I looked at her. 

"You coughed up of blood."- She said. 

I looked down at my hand. It's blood. I coughed up of blood. What happened with me? I didn't cough up of blood in previous times. 

"Did you eat the red fruit in the forest?"- She asked. 

"Yes, I did."- I said.

"It has poison."- She said.

"Poison? It is the reason that I coughed up of blood?"- I asked.

"Yes. Sooner or later, you will die. "- She said.

"So what can I do? There must be some way for me to live."- I said.

"There is one way. True Love."- she said.

"True Love?"- I asked.

"Yes, only true love can save you."- She said. 

When I listened finish. I immediately faint. 

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