Chapter 8

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Jennie ignores her calls and her texts, she avoids sleeping at home, only letting Jongin know that she's painting as an explanation for why she's not there. He never replies. She doesn't care. Despite that, she still checks her phone every ten minutes, putting it down in disappointment every time. In all honesty, she's not sure what she's hoping for, but she is also trying to ignore that the only thing she can think of is Jisoo. So maybe she is waiting for a call or a text from her, maybe she is hoping that nothing changed, but deep down she knows that's not true.

She saw it in her eyes when she left. The unspoken questions, the uncertainty. She can't blame Jisoo. She can't blame her for anything. Jennie knows she was the one who broke her own rules. Every goddamn one of them. And before last Friday she could still pretend she had control, she could still pretend this wasn't something more than just an arrangement for sex. But now it's Monday and all she can think of is Jisoo. And her lips, and how they felt so soft and tasted so sweet, so inexplicably like her. There's no more pretending.


It's Wednesday. It's nearly twelve o'clock. She has ignored Lisa and Chaeyoung too. And she is very well aware of the degree in which she is ignoring them, because there are dozens of texts from them individually and even more in their group chat. She sees them every time she checks her phone hoping to see Jisoo's name.

It's Wednesday, exactly twelve o'clock and Lisa is pretty much breaking down her door. Jennie takes one look at herself: outfit obviously haphazardly thrown together, hair a mess because she hasn't showered since Monday morning, eyes red and puffy. She opens the door looking exactly like that.

"What the fuck?" Lisa looks obviously surprised and Chaeyoung is so shocked she can't even voice it. Jennie walks back into her tiny living room, door still open and her best friends gaping at her. They enter cautiously, as if approaching a dangerous animal and both perch on the coffee table in front of the recliner where Jennie is currently, and has been for days, curled up in.

"What happened?" Chaeyoung asks.

"Yeah." Lisa agrees. "We were kind of expecting that we had to drag you away from your mystery lady." She tries to lighten the mood but Jennie seems to sink even further in her chair.

"What happened?" Chaeyoung asks again.

Jennie looks at them, her lip quivering, her eyes trying to hide a sadness that runs so deep it's a losing battle. "I fucked it up." She admits finally.

"I had rules, you know? Five rules that I told her before we started so that we couldn't fuck this up. So that I could just enjoy this one thing until fucking Jongin got his fucking shit together." Chaeyoung and Lisa nod, their silence urging Jennie on. "How hard can it be to keep five rules, huh? Well, fucking hard is how hard."

"What were the rules?" Lisa asks tentatively, immediately feeling Chaeyoung's glare boring in the side of her face.

"No kissing on the mouth. No staying after sex or sleeping over. No communication outside of the occasional text to confirm details. No naming each other to friends and/or family. No feelings." She lists. And then, softer than her entire previous rant. "And I broke all of them."

Understanding comes over Chaeyoung and Lisa within seconds and they rummage around the small apartment quickly and resolutely, coming back to Jennie with two bottles of wine and two glasses. They fill the glasses for themselves and then hand the bottle to Jennie, who takes a long gulp.

"Talk." Lisa says.

So Jennie tells them the story. How meeting once a week turned into twice a week, how they started texting about mundane things, about that night Jisoo stayed over and how nice it was to just sit there in the morning and drink tea with her. How they kissed, how she couldn't stop herself and how much she just wants to do it again and again. How she somehow, somewhere down the road, developed impossible feelings for this woman that she barely knows.

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