Chapter I

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"I always thought the source of the underworld's heat was hell fire. Turns out, it was you."

I chuckled, turning to the source of the husky voice. Whoever he was, his face was obscured by darkness. Marty tends to go overboard with dimming the lights at his house parties.

"Do girls actually let you pick them up with that line?" I asked, cocking my eyebrow while raising  the beer to my lips.

"I am doing a research you see. According to your biblical teachings, the first woman was the original sinner. I am just trying to prove that women are not really as desperate to sin as they are made out to be", he shrugged. Oh, his voice was soooo sexy.

"What do you mean 'your Biblical teachings'?"

"I uh... wasn't brought up in a Christian or Jewish fashion per say."

"Well, what beliefs were you brought up in. I am pursuing a B.A. in Classical Studies and am in my last year. Trust me, I can handle it."

 "Oh, my family believes we are the most superior creatures, sort of what biblical religions refer to as blasphemy, really. Now tell me, what is a pretty thing like you doing here alone?"

"Well, I was forced to come here by my "friends"" I air quoted. 

"Let me guess, you have never been good at connecting with many people, have you?"

"Yes, it's like they just don't understand, although what exactly, even I can't tell. But seriously, I am more than expecting you to go "What is it that you truly desire?" with all your Lucifer-ish statements and questions. It's almost like you are the Devil", I teased.

"In a manner of speaking, I am."

"Then come into the light and show me your devil face, sweetheart", I flirted.

And when he stepped forward, I missed a heartbeat. And not just from his chiseled face, five o'clock shadow and sharp nose. For a moment there, his eyes looked red. Must have been the light, or may be the amusement I seemed to have sparked in them.

"Devilishly handsome darling?"

I rolled my eyes. "Cockiness is an unattractive trait of the devil"

"Oh Seraphina, how I have missed your feistiness. Our home has been incomplete without you darling", he said, running his hand along the side of my face. A shiver of fear and lust ran down my spine.

"What do you mean? My name is Sera, it's not short for Seraphina and I don't share a home with you", I said in a quivering voice. His eyes filled with sorrow and his Cupid's bow lips morphed into a sad smile.

"Oh baby, what has she done to you?". I opened my mouth to speak but he cut me off by raising his long index finger to my lips.

"Shh... don't worry, I will get you back home, that should help you remember. We will soon be back to what we used to be", and he raised a handkerchief, covering my nose and mouth.

I made muffled protests filled with bewilderment and horror and in the process inhaled an odour that was sickly sweet to smell.  

And everything went dark.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2019 ⏰

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