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Seulgi's POV

We arrived at the shoot and Irene was doing a different shoot today. Irene was supposed to do a seductive photoshoot with Bogum today.

After she got changed, she went over to the couch and sat down to get ready. Bogum walked out and when he sat next to Irene I could see how uncomfortable she looked.

"Okay let's start. Irene, I want you to lay down and look up at him and Bogum, I want you to lean over Irene and stare down at her. Don't forget to look at each seductively." The director told them. 

Bogum leaned over Irene and looked her her. I'm not sure if you would call his stare seductive, but it was something.

Irene on the other hand, seemed uncomfortable. She kept squirming around when his face got closer to her.

"Bogum! I said lean over her not get close to her!" The director yelled at him.

He apologized and he leaned over her over once again. This went on a couple times until he lost his balance on the eighth take. 

"Fuck!" He screamed. 

I'm sure he injured something because he was holding his arm. They had to take him away and treat him. He wouldn't be able to finish the shoot.

"Damnit! We don't have him to finish the shoot. Find someone to fill in!" The director said.

All the staff started looking through pictures of some models that they could hire but none of them could be reached.

"You!" The director said.

I looked up and saw him in front of me. "Yes sir?"

"Stand up." He told me so I did. He backed up and looked at me. "I think you'll be perfect. Who are you?" He asked.

"I'm Kang Seulgi. I'm Miss Bae's bodyguard." I replied.

"Great! You guys have some chemistry then. It'll be fine. Wendy! Go get her changed." He said.

Wendy smiled and dragged me to the dressing room. She gave me a black and white outfit. When I walked out, everybody started staring at me. 

A few of the staff members were whispering to each other. "She looks so good!!" some were saying. I could hear all their comments but I just ignored it and walked over to Irene. 

She wasn't saying anything. She just stared at me. "Miss Bae?" I asked. She just looked up at my eyes.

"Okay do the same thing as I said earlier." The director said.

I leaned over Irene and her breathing hitched. I started getting hot so I untied the ribbon on my neck. Irene looked up into my eyes and I could see something there. I stared at her the same way she stared at me. 

I could feel her breath on my neck. We were close, but not that close. Her breathing was hot and her body was warm. My eyes traveled down from her eyes to her lips. She was so-

"Okay! Good job! That was perfect. We could see the chemistry through the lens of the camera. Thank you Seulgi. You helped a lot." The director said.

I got off of Irene, apologized and told her she did great.

"Good job Seulgi!" "I figured you were unapproachable at first but my opinion changed!" Many staff started running up to me and telling me things. It was a little overwhelming.

I heard a little creak and when I turned around, the backdrop started dropping. Irene was still there. 

"IRENE!!" I yelled as I ran over to her and pulled her out of the way. I got her out of the way before she got hurt and I barely made it safely out.

"Miss Bae. Are you okay?!" I asked her.

"Y-yeah. I'm a little shaken up but I'm fine." She said. She was definitely shaking.

"Miss Bae. I'm sorry but I will have to call and reschedule the drama shooting." I told her.

I bid goodbye to everyone and walked Irene to the car. 

I called the director of the drama and told him we couldn't make it due to an incident and he said it was fine.

"Seulgi. Make sure I don't have any more schedules. If I do reschedule them for anytime after this week. I'm taking the rest of this week off." Irene told me.

"Yes ma'am." I checked her calendar and she only had a few shoots to do. 

After I rescheduled everything, I looked in the rearview mirror and saw that Irene was sleeping. It was 12pm and I brought her back home.

I brought her up to her room and let her sleep. I decided to go and make some food for her when so she can eat when she wakes up. I finished after about an hour so I decided to bring the food to her.

I walked into her room and set it on the table. "Miss Bae. Lunch is ready." I told her trying to wake her up.

I hated that I couldn't show my emotions to her. I decided to stop showing them after what happened with Jimin. 

I showed my emotions and he thought I fell for him and we had some issues.


"Mr. Park. Are you okay? You must be tired." I told him.

"Yes. I am tired. Can you massage me?" He asked.

"Yes sir." I said as I started massaging him.

After a while he turned around and sat up. He grabbed my hand with both of his hands. I was confused on what he was doing.

"Seulgi listen.. I like you a lot. Please date me." He said to me.

I had to pull my hands away. "Mr. Park. I don't like you like that." I told him.

"Are you fucking serious?! So you led me on?! You're so misleading. You probably wanted to seduce me! Is this just for money?!" He screamed at me.

I was shocked. "Sir. I have never tried to seduce you. My job is to protect and take care of you so I was trying my best." I told him.

He slapped me and stormed off. My cheek was red and his ring had cut part of my cheek. I decided to just go and take care of my cheek.

There were rumors the next day saying that I seduced him and everybody had given me dirty looks.


I had eventually proved that I didn't, but I had to move back to Korea afterwards. After that incident, I told myself not to let my emotions get involved.

I don't want to make another mistake. I figured that keeping my emotions in check would stop problems from happening.

"Miss Bae. Wake up." I repeated. 

"You look so good in that outfit." I heard her mumble.

I called her again but only got a hum in return. "Seulgiiii. Your stare makes my heart race." I heard her mumbling.

My face started turning red from hearing her statement.

She slowly opened her eyes. "Wow. You're even beautiful here." She said with a smile.

I cleared my throat. "Ahem. Miss Bae." I said, my face with a slight blush from what she said.

"S-Seulgi!" She yelled seeming surprised and her eyes went wide. "W-Were y-you here the whole t-time??" She asked.

"Miss Bae. I'm here to tell you that lunch is ready. Please eat and call me back when you're done." I told her.

I tried my best to calmly walk out the door and as soon as I closed it, I collapsed. "Oh gosh! That was dangerous." I said to myself.

I heard my phone go off so I went to see who it was was and I saw that it was my little sister, Yeri so I picked up.

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