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Irene's POV

"About Miss King Seulgi. She's.." the doctor started and I could feel the tears start forming.

"She's in a difficult position right now. She's alive by chance. She's lost a lot of blood and she has multiple broken bones. She's stable for now but she isn't waking up. I'm not sure when she'll wake up or if something happened, but she also got hit in the head pretty hard so she may forget some things." He told me.

He said that he put her in her room already and that I can go see her.

After the doctor left, I was shocked. Tears kept falling. It was like 10 minutes and I calmed down a little.

I walked over to Yeri and Joy to wake them up. Joy woke up first and helped me wake Yeri up.

When she finally woke up, she asked me what had happened.

I sat down and told them what was happening and Yeri couldn't help but let her tears fall. Joy, once again was there to comfort her.

We started to head towards Seulgi's room, but before we walked in we heard crying and nonstop sobbing.

We peeked around the cover to see someone holding Seulgi's hand. My heart hurt a little seeing Seulgi wrapped in bandages.

"S-Seulgi. You s-stupid b-bear. C-Can't you be m-more careful? It h-hurts m-me every t-time you come h-here. I told y-you to take c-care of yourself a-and you a-aren't. H-How c-could you l-let me see you l-like this?!" The woman was saying through her sobs.

We were still behind the corner when Yeri walked out.

"S-Sunmi?" She said.

The woman turned around with a face full of tears. She slowly got up and ran over to Yeri and hugged her.

They both started breaking down on the floor. It hurt me so much just being in this room.

After they calmed down a little, they walked over to the couch and I sat where she was earlier and held Seulgi's hand.

"Irene. Joy. This is Lee Sunmi. She's the other person other than me who knows everything Seulgi has gone through. And Sunmi. This here next to me is Park Sooyoung. Call her Joy. And that over there is-"

"Bae Joohyun who goes by Irene?" Sunmi cut Yeri off and she looked shocked.

"H-How'd you know?" Yeri asked.

"Wendy introduced her last time they visited her about a month or two ago." Sunmi replied.

"So you're the famous Bae Joohyun. I know you're probably really worried about her. She comes here a lot, but it's never been this extreme. It's always been because she forgets that she has cuts and loses too much blood, but here she is with broken bones. Can you please tell me what happened?" She looked at me and asked.

I explained to her what had happened and her eyes seemed to drop even more tears.

All four of us ended up staying with Seulgi all night. Everyone passed out, but I only passed out after an hour or two.

She ran over to see and started to untie me, telling me that I'll be okay.

"Who are you?" I asked

"My name is K-"

I awoke with the same dream except she was about to tell me her name. Ughhh.

I looked around and remembered what had happened. I was the only one in the room with Seulgi.

I looked at the clock and it said 2pm. I slept for so long and nobody woke me up.

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