Mission 23: Devil may...get sick

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Y/n woke up feeling dizzy from the second he opened his eyes. He sat up on his bed and groaned at the headache he got. It was Friday, so he was supposed to go to school with Hannah. He groaned again, then stood up. After getting dressed he went downstairs and sat down at the table, before the dizziness went down a bit.

-Are you okay? – asked Kyrie, walking up to her son. She put her hand on his forehead. – You're not going anywhere, you're sick. – she said taking the phone in her hand.

-Where are you calling? – he asked.

-Patty. – she answered. – Hi, I want to let you know that Y/n is sick, so he can't go to school with Hannah.

-It's okay. – said Patty. – Hannah said he didn't look good yesterday.

Kyrie thanked her and dragged Y/n back to his room. He didn't put up a fight, is didn't make any sense anyway. He got changed in his pajamas again and got under the covers. Kyrie went to the kitchen and made some tea with lemon. She grabbed some pills and a bottle of water on her way as well.

-Drink the tea, then take the pills. – she instructed. – I'll make chicken soup. Don't you dare leaving the bed.

-I will die out of boredom. – he muttered, drinking the tea.

Time skip

After eating the soup and taking the pills, Y/n fell asleep without any trouble. He woke up few hours later with a stuffy nose. He cleaned it with a tissue and fell back on the pillow. He groaned when he realized he didn't feel much better. He was fully sick.

-Fucking great. – he muttered closing his eyes again.

-Hi Y/n. – he opened his eyes seeing Hannah walking in his room.

-Is my temperature that high to give me hallucinations? – he asked putting his hand on his forehead.

-Very funny. – she giggled sitting down on his bed. – Your mom called me, cause she knew you'd get bored and she wanted to keep you in bed.

-Nice try. – chuckled Y/n. – I'm guessing you didn't go to school today.

-You're right. – she smiled. – Turns out I don't have to go to school if you can't accompany me.

Y/n chuckled again and closed his eyes. He grabbed his handheld console from the bedside table and turned it on. He picked some racing game and waited for it to load. Then he started playing. Hannah climbed on his bed beside him. Y/n smiled at that a bit, bud didn't let that show too much. He focused on the game, until he felt hungry. Hannah refused to let him get out of the bed, so he just brought him food from the kitchen.

-I could get sick more frequently, just to get such service. – chuckled Y/n. – If only being sick wouldn't be so pissing off.

-What if I got sick? – asked Hannah giggling.

-We would be sick together. – answered Y/n grinning. – Isn't that obvious?

Time skip

The following week passed slowly, mostly in a boring atmosphere for Y/n. Just at the moment when he felt a bit better he was running around the house, even though Kyrie was yelling at him to stay in bed and get warm. Nero only chuckled at the situation in his house. He knew it all too well, Y/n always acted like that whenever he happened to get sick.

-He still acts like a baby sometimes. – he chuckled.

-I wish I was here to see it. – answered Vergil.

-Hey, you were saving the world with Dante. – said Nero to brighten up his father's mood. – Thanks to that I didn't have to leave for long fights and could be with Y/n more. He was growing up in safe world.

-That's all I could do. – answered Vergil. - I did a lot of terrible stuff.

-Now you're a good grandfather. – smiled Nero. – You're not bad of a father either. – added Nero and got up from the couch.

He went to the kitchen leaving Vergil alone in the living room. He was happy with Nero's words. All he ever wanted was to be loved and needed, and now here he was, having a loving family. He was starting to get used to that and he didn't even try to stop it.

Legendary Dark Knight Y/n (Male Reader x DMC)Where stories live. Discover now