Hidden Lion

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"Hey barmaid, another round over here!"

Leonora finished setting down the heavy mugs she was currently carrying in front of the table of customers, and then walked back to the bar to pour another round for the table that had called to her. She blew a strand of her short, dark hair out of her eyes as she finished filling up the kegs.

Damn this ridiculous wig. It was hot and it was getting in her way.

She turned from the bar and made her way to the table in the corner, which was full with loud, raucous men who had already had one too many. As she slid the mugs around to each man, one of the men, an older man, smiled at her and said in slurred speech, "You sure do a good job around here, Leo. When are you ever going to let me take you out on that date you promised me?"

Leonora laughed as she passed out the last mug and straightened, wiping her hands on her apron. "You just keep pestering me, Chester, and maybe someday it will happen." She gave him a wink and then left to head back to the front. She had a lot more customers to keep happy.

She was looking down at the cask as she filled more mugs of ale and beer, when someone sat down at the tall bar in front of her and said, "Hello, Leo."

She recognized the voice. She looked up and the man's green eyes met hers as he gave her a playful smile. His young face hadn't changed at all since she had last seen him. She put down the mug she was holding and leaned against the counter, crossing her arms over her chest as she said, "Why am I not surprised to see you here?"

The young man smiled at her again and took a drink from the mug she had set down in front of him. "So you heard, huh?"

Leo rolled her eyes as she turned back to finish filling mugs. "Heard is an understatement. Ever since you defeated that Holy Knight, the Seven Deadly Sins is all anyone has talked about around here." She slid a mug down the bar to an empty customer, and brushed her hair out of her eyes again as she turned to look at him. "And now I hear you're headed to Camelot to help Arthur with something. And you've got everyone back together again. How quaint."

She glanced around, hoping no one was paying attention to who she was talking to. They'd recognize him for sure. However, everyone was focused on their friends or their drinks, and luckily, no one seemed to notice the fact that she was talking to the captain of the Seven Deadly Sins.

"Come on, Leo. You know you want to join us. Aren't you itching for a fight after being holed up here all these years?" Meliodas set down the now empty mug on the bar and wiped a hand across his mouth. "Everyone's excited to see you. It's been a long time since we've all been back together."

She sighed. "Listen, captain." She said his name quietly so no one would overhear. "It was fun and games back then. But I've worked hard to fit in here, and I finally got what I wanted. So I really don't want to expose my cover now."

Meliodas raised an eyebrow at her. "Ah, come on, Leo. It's not like you have to hide from the Holy Knights anymore. They're on our side now. And everyone loves us. I'm sure this pub would be more than willing to have you back after we're done. Especially if they know you're the Lion Sin." He gave her a grin. "Besides, Hawk is dying to see you."

Leonora's mouth lifted in a small smile. "I have missed the Master of the Scraps Brigade."

Meliodas stood from the bar and stretched his arms over his head, the green dragon sword on his back glinting in the dim light from the bar. He glanced at her again. "At least just come to the Boar's Hat when you're done tonight and see everyone. You can give me a final answer then."

He flicked his fingers in parting at her and headed for the door, leaving Leonora to think things over all through the end of her shift.

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