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Leo stood silently in the dark forest, her quiet inhales and exhales the only sound that could be heard. She shifted her weight to her other foot and glanced to her left, where King floated soundlessly in the air a few yards away. He raised an eyebrow at her when he met her gaze and flashed her a hand signal, his thumb and forefinger held together as if to make an "ok."

Leo gave him a grin and then looked to her other side, where Ban was leaning against a tree, picking at something in his teeth. He winked at her as he caught her gaze and Leo's lips curved upward into a small smile at the gesture. She turned her attention back to the front and pulled Megil from her sheath, keeping as quiet as possible. She held the rapier in a relaxed position in front of her, ready for when she would need the blade.

She swung the rapier lazily in small circles in front of her as she contemplated the captain's plan. He had decided that this time they would surprise the enemy by all being together, spread out in a line across the forest, to cut off their access to the village behind them. Leo leaned out slightly and glanced down the line past King. Gowther stood several feet down from King, and even though Leo couldn't see her, she knew that Diane was several feet past him, followed by Arthur. Leo glanced down the other side of the line past Ban. Merlin was next to him, then Elizabeth, and then the captain.

They were more than ready.

Leo leaned back into line and couldn't help feeling confident. There was no one in the world that she trusted more than the people on either side of her, and she knew, even with Demons on their side, that if they all worked together, the giants wouldn't know what hit them.

Leo heard a crash in the forest ahead of them and crouched into position, Megil held defensively in front of her body. They were coming, and they were ready for them.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw King transform his Relic into its large spear form and Ban push up off the tree and straighten, his brow furrowed in concentration.

Suddenly, a giant broke through the trees in front of them, accompanied by two Dark Sorcerers at its feet. The giant caught sight of them and let out a mighty, angry yell. The Sorcerers held out their hands, dark flames of black magic already licking around their fingers.

"L, split them up." Ban called over to her, his eyes never leaving the Demon Mages in front of them.

Leo nodded and whipped Megil in a fast circle in the air in front of her body. Instantly, a whirling tornado of daggers surrounded the giant, pulsing outward and growing in width, trapping the giant inside and pushing the surprised Sorcerers away from its flanks. As soon as the Mages had separated from the giant, Ban darted forward toward the left mage, a red haze pulsing up and down his broad arms. At the same time, King flew up above their heads and dropped his large spear down toward the other mage.

Leo sprinted toward the giant, who was swinging its arms in rage, bellowing and trying to get rid of the daggers that still whirled around its body, the sharp blades cutting into its thick skin every time it touched them. Leo reached its feet and snapped her fingers. The daggers instantly disappeared and she took the moment to leap into the air, grabbing onto the hem of the giants tunic. She scrambled up the giant's body as it whirled, trying to grab her and fling her off onto the ground, but she was too quick. She reached its shoulders and lifted Megil into the air above her head, the white flames once again encasing the thin blade, and sliced downward with one swift cut into the giant's neck. Blood sprayed her as the head separated from the body and fell to the ground with a dull thump. The giant's headless body pitched forward and Leo leapt to the ground, rolling to her feet as the body crashed down behind her, sending up a giant cloud of dust.

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