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A Love For Flowers


3:17 pm

June 13, XX

"Vivi! I found the flower!"

Jungkook spoke loudly and happily when he finally found his best friend's favorite flower, a beautiful pink tulip. Viel turned around and when she spotted the flower, her eyes began to shine from happiness and quickly ran towards him

"The flower is so pretty! Just like you said, Vivi!"

Spoke Jungkook and he showed her his bunny smile, the one she loved so much. They picked a few and quickly went back to Viel's house to plant them in her backyard

"I can't wait to fill my backyard with different color tulips! We must find the red ones next!"

Explained Viel as she digged an area for her tulips with her bare hands as Jungkook planted them down in the holes

"I bet your backyard will be filled with them by high school!"

Spoke Jungkook as he dusted off the dirt from his hand, Viel chuckled as she did the same action as Jungkook

"I hope so"

They both stood up and walked inside the house only to be hosed down by Viel's parents. The two kids broke into fits of giggles as they ran away from Viel's parents who were helping them get clean and chill out on such a hot day


5:19 am

March 25, XX

The sound of footsteps approaching her bedroom made Viel slowly wake up. She knew who it was, it happened every day. So when the door was suddenly slammed open, she wasn't surprised to see her group of best friends there with her

"Wakey Wakey Vivi! It's time for school!"

Exclaimed Jungkook as he grabbed the blanket and yanked it off of her. Viel groaned as she sat up and grabbed her round,black glasses to look at the boys more clearly

"How are you all full of energy so early in the morning, seriously"

Viel questioned as she got off from her bed and made her way towards the bathroom and proceeded to do her morning routine but once she stepped out of the shower, she realized that she forgot her clothes. A soft knock was heard on her door and she already had an idea of who it was, she gently opened the door to see Jungkook covering his eyes with one hand and extending the other that consisted of the clothes she was going to wear to school today

"Thanks Kook"

She spoke gently and grabbed the clothes. Before closing the door, she heard Jungkook respond with a your welcome.

After getting dressed, she walked towards her kitchen to see her group of best friends just relaxing on her couch watching cartoons. She served herself some cereal and joined them as she ate her breakfast

"We should head out soon if we don't want to be late to class"

Suggested Namjoon as he looked at the time on his watch and stood up, Viel hummed in agreement and went to her kitchen and cleaned her dishes

"Hurry up Vivi! We don't want to be late!"

Exclaimed Jungkook from the entrance as he was putting on his shoes and grabbing his bag, Viel sighed and made her way towards the entrance and put her shoes on

"Did you see my bag?"

Viel asked as she looked into the living room and kitchen but found no bag

"Oh, I have it"

Jungkook spoke as he walked away with his bag and Viel's bag, Viel shrugged it off and walked alongside the boys to school.

They weren't the most hated nor the most popular, they're known by a lot of people but they weren't the type to just accept the attention. Girls did flirt with them alongside some boys as well and for Viel it wasn't any different, hanging out with the guys gave her some enemies but they never got physical, they were merely just jealous of her relationship with the guys.

With their grades and behavior were in the middle. Of course, Namjoon helped them when needed but when it comes to behavior, they can be horrible at it. Disrupting classes and making the school laugh but they were all in one class together which was their best class. Choir, the only reason Viel took that class was because it was the easiest for her, I mean it's just singing and stuff

During her piano classes with Yoongi,she saw a boy who seemed to be in the same grade as her looked awfully pale and tired. He sat in the corner of the room and stayed away from anyone's view but Viel was watching him because he seemed very sick but then she saw his face turn red, making her assume that he has puked already but then she saw the bloody flower in his hand.

"Yoongi, I think that kid has the Hanahaki disease"

Viel whispered towards him as her eyes saddened at the thought, Yoongi turned to look at the man and back at her

"Damn, that sucks. Sure hope he doesn't die"

Yoongi spoke calmly as he went back to playing the piano, Viel hummed in agreement and laid her head down on her arms and listened to Yoongi playing the familiar tune from her music box

"Thanks Yoongi"

"No problem Vi"


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