❥Alternative Finale

36 3 0



No More


3:36 pm
May 16, XX

Slowly making her way to her garden was a very pale looking girl. She was tired, she wanted to go back to breathing normally. She wanted to go back to Jungkook without any issues but of course, that couldn't happen

Upon finally reaching her garden, she admired her work from over the years. The garden was beautifully decorated with flowers, benches and a fountain. One could say it was magical at first sight and it was for the young girl, she let out a chuckle as she continued to slowly walk towards a big empty spot in her garden

"Kinda sad I won't make it to plant that Cherry Blossom Tree I wanted to plant here so badly"

She chuckled but winced in pain, she knew she wasn't going to last until tomorrow. Her right eye was already engulfed by a flower and she felt them rapidly growing and reaching her lungs, she looked down at her wrists and noticed both of them covered in open cuts and flowers. She began to tear up at the thought of leaving her best friend without any warnings, she felt the blood from her right eye mix up with the tears from her left eye

The sound of footsteps making their way over to her startled her a little but soon relaxed when hearing his sweet voice

"Vivi! Where have you been? I've been so worried about you!"

Jungkook spoke as Viel still limped her way towards the empty spot, Jungkook helped her and she did her best to hide her face from him. After Jungkook sat her down on the empty spot, he gently grabbed her chin and tilted her head towards his but he gasped and let go of her face when seeing the flowers and blood decorating her face

"V-Vivi, what happened? Wh-Why? Who did this? How much time do you ha-"

Jungkook was about to bombard her with questions but she quickly shushed him. She laid her head against his shoulder

"Can you get our music box please? It's on top of my cabinet"

She requested from him and he nodded, she saw how quickly he ran and that alone made her smile sadly at her best friend who will soon be suffering because of her stupid heart catching feelings for him. She felt the need to lay down but stayed sitting up as she saw Jungkook running back with the musical box

"Can you please play it?"

She asked him and he nodded his head and began to quickly wind it up and once it reached the limit, he released the handle and let the sweet melody play. He set the box down on the ground and sat next to her

"Now, who did this and how much time do you have left?"

He asked and she looked up to him only to see his eyes already shedding tears that he couldn't hold in. She chuckled but winced at the pain, she mentally scolded herself and let out a shaky breath

"Well, I decided to fall oh so stupidly for this boy I've known and the amount of time I have left? Not much, I doubt I'll make it past midnight"

She explained sadly as she felt her eyes getting heavier, she wasn't ready to go. She had so many things to do, she wanted to be there with Jungkook when they graduate together, she wants to see him getting married to the girl of his dreams, she wants to see little brats of his calling her Auntie Vivi, she doesn't want to leave him. She began cry as she held onto his arm tightly

"I don't want to go Kookie but my heart doesn't want to move on from you even if it kills me"

She spoke softly, she felt herself slowly falling into the never ending rest. Jungkook registered the sentence she just spoke to him and he looked at her with slight relief and tears in his eyes

"Wait, you love me? But I don't understand"

Jungkook looked at his best friend, shocked at the confession she just said

"Kookie, don't say it to make me feel happy. The only way to really heal from this whole disease is a kiss of nothing but the feeling the other person has for the-"

Explained Viel but was suddenly cut off when she felt Jungkook's warm lips on her dry and pale ones. She felt alive again to say the least, she felt how easy it was to breath again but it didn't last long due to the fact that she passed out


Jungkook exclaimed as he picked up her body and ran to the car in front of her house. He quickly drove to the hospital and explained the situation to the nurses at the front and she was taken to the emergency room.


Watching the light that hanged above the door turn off, Jungkook stood up and approached the doctors

"Is Viel going to be ok?"

Jungkook asked with pleading and tired eyes, he's been waiting there for hours but he was also crying while waiting for the surgery to end. The doctor looked at the other doctors with a smile and nodded at Jungkook

"Luckily, she's stable. Any later and she would've died of blood loss"

The doctor spoke calmly to Jungkook and the boy couldn't help but cry tears of joy knowing Viel was alive and ok

"May I go inside her room?"

Jungkook asked and the doctors nodded, they told him where her room was and he quickly entered the room to see Viel laying down in bed with bandages covering her right eye, she was blankly staring at the ceiling when Jungkook entered the room

"Hey Vivi"

He spoke softly as he approached her, she smiled at him and reached her hand up to caress his cheek

"Hey Kookie"

She spoke weakly and only now did Jungkook realized how tired and pale she looked. Jungkook looked at her with saddened eyes and began to tear up

"Vivi, why didn't you tell me sooner?"

He questioned as he leaned more towards her touch, it made him happy knowing there was still a bit of warmth to them considering how corpse like she looked

"The Fear Of Rejection, Kook. You know getting rejected with that disease only worsens the situation for the person"

She explained and tried her best not to shut her eyes and sleep

"So, you would've just kept quiet and die?"

He asked once more as he closed his eyes while she caressed his face, the girl just hummed in response with a nod


"That's pretty stupid"

Jungkook spoke with his eyebrows furrowed, Viel chuckled and looked at him with a smile

"I know"

She simply responded, she yawned and scooted over to the side of the bed

"Come and sleep right here next to me"

She requested as she patted the empty spot she made next to the bed. Jungkook carefully laid next to her and dozed off but Viel stayed awake for a while, just admiring his facial features. She has already admired every little part of him for the longest time she's known him

"Guess you're my best friend and first boyfriend then"

She spoke softly and kissed his forehead, falling asleep a few minutes afterwards


Here's your alternative ending with 1227 words since I felt like it

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