Bloody Petals Chapter 1 "The Start Of A Big Beginning"

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[It was a cloudy morning with a small breeze. Autumn-colored leaves surrounded the ground and being crunched by people walking by for work or school. Weekdays were busy as cars drove by at fast limits. Everyone was awake bright and early since Fall Break ended. Not everyone though, especially Ruby Rose. A 16-year-old girl sleeping lazily in her pajamas, messing her bed just to get comfortable. She didn't even care that her alarm clock went off at least three times. Nothing could disrupt her beauty sleep.  Well, that's what she thought]

???: Ruby! Ruby? Are you still sleeping? C'mon Ruby, you're gonna make us late!

[A girl with long blonde hair wearing a school uniform barged in Ruby's room. Her purple eyes darted at Ruby and removed her blanket that was resting over her.]

Ruby [groaning]: Yang, don't tell me Fall Break is over.

[The girl with blonde hair was Ruby's half-sister Yang Xiong. She was a senior and two years older than Ruby.

   Ruby sat up and yawned. Her silver eyes faced her sister and tried fixing her messy short black hair that had red ombre tips at the end. Her fingers couldn't detangle her hair and only made it worse.]

Yang: C'mon Ruby, did you forget that dad's leaving for a business trip today? Get ready quickly, we don't have much time.

Ruby: Fine, fine...

[Ruby finally got up and headed to the bathroom. She didn't care much about her messy bed. Ruby brushed her teeth and hair and got into her school uniform.

 Ruby brushed her teeth and hair and got into her school uniform

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   Downstairs had her dad, Tai Yang Xiolong, waiting. Ruby headed down the stairs with her sister behind her.]

Yang: Well, you took forever in there.

Ruby: Getting ready takes time, Yang.

[When they arrived downstairs in the kitchen, they saw their blonde-haired dad with blue eyes in a suit holding a briefcase. His sleeves were rolled up to reveal a watch on his right arm. Next to him was a man in his thirties holding a brown flask filled with liquor. He had black hair with red eyes.]


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