Comfortably Numb

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One Month Later

Vic grinned as she heard the bell over the door ding and looked to see Chief Wayne Unser and his deputy David Hale walk in and take a booth by the front window. She grabbed two menus and the coffee pot and walked over, smiling at the two men. 

"Good morning, Wayne, David. Isn't it a beautiful day today?"

Wayne chuckled and nodded. "It sure is, Vic. How are ya, sweetheart?"

Before she could answer, she looked up to see Ernest Darby and a couple of his henchmen walk in and take a booth in the corner. She shook her head but smiled at the aging chief of police. "I'm good, Wayne. I'll be back in a second to get your orders, okay?"

She had just walked behind the counter when the door opened again to admit Clay, Tig, Jax, Bobby, and Chibs. She watched in surprise as they walked over and sat with Darby, Clay and Jax sitting with the drug dealer and the rest in the booth behind them. She saw Darby motion to her with his cup and she rolled her eyes as she picked the coffee pot back up and started their way.

She plastered a fake smile on her face, causing Bobby and Tig to look at her strangely. "Coffee?" Ernest smiled and nodded, holding his cup up. Vic lifted a brow. "You might want to set the cup down. I'd hate to miss and pour this all over you. That would be a real tragedy."

She heard Clay make a choking noise as the others chuckled under their breath. Ernest frowned at her. "You seem a little uptight this morning, Vic. Maybe you need to work off some of that extra energy."

She rolled her eyes as she quickly poured his coffee and looked around at the others. "Anyone else?" 

Clay shook his head with a smile. "No, Vic, we're just having a short meeting."

Vic snorted and shook her head. "Of course, because that's exactly what the diner is for. Try to wrap up your business quickly, huh? I might actually get some paying customers." 

She turned on her heels and headed to the front, setting the coffee pot down to take Wayne and David's orders. David cocked a brow as he looked back to the meeting taking place in the corner. "Everything okay, Vic?"

She nodded and gave him a small smile. "Yeah, sure, David. What can I get you guys?"

Once she had their orders taken and turned in, she turned from the window to see Tig leaning against the counter. She lifted a brow as Tabbie stepped in front of her, a flirty smile on her face. "Can I help you with something, handsome?"

She watched as Tig smiled and nodded before moving the younger woman over a few steps. "Yep. You can move so I can speak to Vic." Tabby stomped off to wait on a couple of farmers that had just come in as Tig pointed a finger toward the back. "Office."

Vic sighed and preceded him through the swinging door and into the kitchen, not stopping until they were in her office with the door shut. Tig leaned against the door and stared at her for a moment, making her sigh again. "What, Tig? I have customers."

He waved a finger between them, making her roll her eyes. "We've gotten pretty close in the last month, right? We're buddies and shit?" When she nodded, he continued. "So what crawled up your ass and died? I've never heard you talk to Clay that way. You seem bitchier than normal, babe."

She shrugged. "I hate Darby, that's all, and I really thought you guys were better than that shit. I mean, I know you're no angels, but drugs? I thought... "

Tig held up a hand as he took a step closer to where she was sitting on the edge of her desk. "Whoa! We're not teaming up with Darby, doll. We just need some information from him about one of his guys, that's all, I swear."

Vic shook her head. "Do you have to use my diner to do your interrogations in?"

Tig shrugged and grinned. "It's as good a place as any, and Clay's right. We don't plan on taking long. I was actually hoping that you'd be here because me and Bobby wanted to know if you wanted to go to the concert in the park this weekend. It's a Pink Floyd tribute band. Should be a good time."

Vic sighed and shook her head. "I don't really have time for that kind of stuff, but it does sound great."

Tig nodded. "Well, that's because you never leave here. I tell you what. I'll pick you up here around seven Saturday night. It'll be fun, you'll see." He grinned as he opened the door to walk back out. "Darby, asshole that he is, was right about one thing. You need to loosen the fuck up, babe."

When she walked back out to the dining room, Clay was standing by the register, talking to Wayne. When he saw her, he excused himself and smiled at her. "Tig told me that you were less than impressed with our impromptu meeting. I'm sorry if we took up space that could have been used for customers."

Vic grinned and shrugged, less tense now that Darby was nowhere in sight. "It's cool. Just order something next time."

Clay nodded and gave her a small salute before turning to the door. Tig started to follow him but stopped at the door and turned to point in her direction. "Saturday, Vic. Be ready."

She shook her head as she turned to see David Hale frowning at her from his table. She sighed as she took the coffee pot over to give him a refill, Wayne waving off her offer to him. David cleared his throat. "Uh, Vic, can I speak to you in private for a moment?"

She sighed and nodded as she once again walked back to her office. It seemed like she was going to get nothing done that morning.

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