22. That's An Order

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"Juliette! Juliette wake up!" I can faintly hear someone shouting at me.
"Whaa?" I cant even finish my sentence.
"Let me help you sit up."

I nod my head at whoever said that. An instant regret as my head begins to throb.

"What happened?" I asked while everything comes back into focus.
"You passed out," Kevin tells me.
"I-I did?"
"Can I take her to the nurse?" He asks the teacher.
"I guess so," she basically shrugs this whole thing off.

I look towards Jughead's seat but he's not there. I continue to look around the classroom and find him standing next to me. We stare at each other for a minute.

God this is awkward and painful. Jug lets out a sigh before returning to his seat. Now that he's gone I wish he'd come back.

"Let's go Jay," Kevin helps me to my feet.

The hallways are quiet.

"What happened?" SweetPea's voice enters the nurses office.
"I passed out," I answer with a shy tone.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes I'm fine. I just want to go home."
"Then let's go," he holds out a hand for me.

I take his hand while standing on my feet.

"Bye Kevin."

Pea carries my backpack for me as we walk home.

"Yes?" He turns his head to me.
"Why are you still talking to me?"
"Because were friends," he looks at me confused. "Would you rather I stop?"
"No, no. I was just curious."
"How about we go get some milkshakes?"
"Yes please," I give him a small smile.


School isn't out for another 45 minutes so I don't have to worry about some bullshit happening at Pop's.

I twiddle my thumbs under the table, waiting for SweetPea to ask questions. Our eyes meet briefly and he gives me a smile.

"You're not going to ask me about it?"
"I figured you didn't want to talk about it," he shrugs.
"I-i, um," I give up on trying to say something.

My attention turns to the world outside. All the trees sway with the light wind. Sunshine nearly blinds me if I look at anything reflective. Nature is happy today, unlike me.

Pop sets down our food. Pea works on homework while eating, letting me continue to stare out the window.

Half way through my French fries I notice someone standing in the middle of the parking lot. They lean against a red car. That's a ghoulie's car. A sigh leaves me as I stand up.

"I have to go talk to him," I tell SweetPea.
"Who?" His confused look drops when he sees the car. "Is that Malachai?"
"Why do you have to talk to him?"
"He won't stop following me until I do."

I leave Pea in the diner. As soon as I step outside Malachai starts walking to me. My heart races with anxiety and excitement, a mixture I'm not fond of. He leaves a bit space between us as a buffer. Part of me wishes he didn't leave so much space.

My bottom lip slips into my mouth. I continue to stare at him, waiting for him to speak.

"Hi," his voice almost a whisper.
"Are-are you mad at me?"
"Yes Malachai. I am very mad at you."
"Do you hate me?" He doesn't make eye contact. He's probably too afraid of the answer.
"No," His head shoots up. "I could never..."

His arms wrap around me before I have anytime to react.

"Thank fuck. I'd be lost without you."
"Malachai..." I take a step back. "What you did hurt me in a lot of ways. I wish you didn't do that, however I can see where you were coming from."
"Does this mean you forgive me?"
"Juliette..." his face holds such a sadness that I can't bear to look at it. "Please?" His voice shakes.
"I'll forgive you, but it will take time. Can you please let me have that?"
"As long as I get you back, I'll give you what you want."

He pulls me to his chest. I loosely rest my arms around his waist. My forehead becomes warm as he places a small kiss on it. I smile to myself.

"Goodbye Malachai."
"Bye Jul."

I watch him drive away. When the car is out of sight sadness takes over my emotions once again. How can I be both sad and happy when I'm with him?

"Ready to go home?" Pea asks while joining me.

I take my backpack from him. He starts to tell me about the drama the happened in his English class this morning. I pretend to listen the best I can, there's just so much going on inside my head.

Our walk back home is long and exhausting. I'm really looking forward to just laying in bed and going to sleep.

I finally look up from the ground once we reach the camp site. There's Serpents blocking the path, including Fangs. I look at SweetPea for an answer but he's as clueless as I am.

"What's uh, going on?" I ask the crowd.
"You're leaving," one of the girls informs me.
"We don't want a traitor here. Find somewhere else to sleep," someone else chimes in.
"Juliette isn't going anywhere!" Pea shouts at everyone.
"She is," Fangs speaks up. "She has to."

I know that I disowned Fangs but it still hurts to hear him say that. Now I understand what I put him through.

"Please don't do this. I have no where to go."
"You should have thought of that before sleeping with the enemy," Toni pops in.
"I-I," there's no words, my voice is gone.
"Here's your things," Toni slides three boxes towards me.

"I'll help you find somewhere to stay," Pea tried to comfort me.
"SweetPea!" Jughead shouts.

Unable to face Jughead I close my eyes. His voice rings in my ears giving me shivers.

"You're staying here SweetPea."
"Jughead just let me help her."
"That's an order!"
"Jay I'm so, so sorry!"

Jughead pushes SweetPea into the crowd.

My head sinks with the realization that I am now completely alone.

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