chapter 5. part two of the party.

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* the reason I posted 4 things the other day was because I ate a box of cinnamon candies! So yeah. Enjoy the story!*

Max was blushing hard! I threw the black and white mask at him. He looked at me confused. "You need it! Your face is all red!" He blushed harder and put on the mask. I walked down the stairs with Maddie, Max, and Jack. And I suddenly herd "SURPRISE!!!" It scared me and I fell half way down the stairs. Ben screamed "THIS IS SHADOW!?" he jumped over onto the couch and hid under a blanket and cursed. "JEFF DID YOU SPILL YOU BEER ON THIS! IT SMELLS LIKE ALCOHOL!" we all laugh then Tody gets excited. "Your wearing the mask!!!!! Why is Max wearing the other one?" I laughed and said smerking "Max was blushing a Ben!" Ben stood up and was blushing and yelled "WAIT REALLY!?" he said with a sparkle in his eyes and a smile on his face. I asked Ben to come and fallow me. When I came back down I yelled. "BEN GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE!" but he yelled back "FUCK NO!!!" I ran up back up stairs to the bathroom and kicked the door down and dragged him by his ear. He was wearing the maid dress. Everyone burst out laughing, and Ben and Max were blushing like crazy. All of a sudden Max got a bloody nose and ran to the bathroom. I took time to look around and slender suddenly shove a gift in my hands and said "open this on first!" Then he mumbled "before it can't breathe..." I yelled "WAIT WHAT!?" and ripped open the gift. It was a black cat with golden eyes and a black collar. I yelled. "YOU DO NOT PUT A CAT IN A BOX! WH- aww kitty!" I got distracted and took the cat out of the box. Slender backed away then ploped another book next to me. I opened that box too and it was a bunch of toys, cat foods, and litter box and a big thing of litter. I stood up, cat and hand to look around more. There were three tables. One was a table full of alcohol. The second on hade a 15 layered cake, a lot of cupcakes, and 6 bowls filled with different time of candies. One bowl had fire balls (a spicy candy) a bowl filled with hot tamales (another spicy candy) another bowl filled with lollipops, and on bowl filled with chocolate. The other two that strawberries and pineapple slices. On the last table was punch and a chocolate fountain. It was party time. After about an hour I went to the kitchen to get a break and you couldn't even get into the kitchen. I remembered the not that slender wrote, so I stared to read it, it said "so you can't really get into the kitchen so we told Max to bring up your breakfast. Just in case you don't know what it is, it is pancakes with chocolate chips in it and a mini fruit salad and fresh orongejoice." I found Max and grabbed him by his ear and dragged him upstairs and yelled "I just was reading this note! Saying that I had breakfast! Did you eat it!?" I grabbed the note and looked back at me and had a nervous laugh. I threw him into the wall and walked back downstairs. I grabbed the biggest cup and had some punch. I guess someone spiked the punch because it tasted like hard core alcohol I spit i spit it back into the cup then went back to partying.

*Hey guys. So it's summer and stuff like that. Well my school just sent me my schedule... Why do I have such hard classes! I hope they made a mistake because I have everything honors! And that mean I was topped on the all my last of the year testing. Witch means harder work.... FUCK!*

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