Hey. I updated the system thingy. The thing where I explain what happens in the story. I updated not the story part but to talk about my little lies that I have said. Well I wouldn't exactly say it's all lies just over dramatic. I have said that a lot of sad thing have happened in my life when some of them did but it wasn't all of them. Yes my dog has cancer. He is still alive. Yes he is ONE of the thats thing from my dad. My mom gave me his old sweatshirt. I have some of his ashes now, I even have my sister! I did just loose my cat and stuff but its all good! I did have fake friends BUT THEY WERE NOT AS MEAN AS I SAID THEY WERE some of them came up to ME and APOLOGIZED for the thing THEY did. Not pushing me down the stairs and shit. Some of them are my real friends now! I would just like to say I was a bitch for lying! And I'm sorry for it. I know people are going threw worse then me. I am becoming more aware of that is! This is my apology if you are going threw the stuff I said I was going threw. I give you all of my support! I don't blame you if you stop reading my stories! I don't mind! Me being alone in my room because of covid and stuff. I don't want to become the new version of mean girls. I will write about other "people's" lives if I need to vent. Again I am sorry for my foolishness and I hope you guys have so a great life.
I say goodnight, then you die
Random(The plot gose all over the place. I made This in 6th grade so yeah it's.. Really bad 😅) (edit. Not a lot of this shit even happens. I'm getting into 8th grade. I made my life seem sad and I made me seem smart and saying I skip grades and shit. I l...