Outer Space Attack

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Kai: Urgh... (eyes flutter open, he wakes up in a room with Chenhua on a bed beside him) Where am I?....

Boboiboy: (shoots up from his seat in the middle of the beds) Ah! (smiles) Kau sudah bangun! (You're awake! {Malay})

Kai: (blinks) E-Eh? (thinks: That sounds like Malay.... Should I use Malay then?....)

Lucy's family had moved to Malaysia at one point of her life, so Lucy had picked up the language in the process. From then on, Lucy had taught the other LEs how to speak it in case they ever had to migrate to Malaysia. (They're always learning new cultures, because who knows when the main magic source will suddenly change to another country. They like being prepared.)

Boboiboy: (notices his confusion, decides to switch languages) Do you not speak Malay?

Kai: (blinks again) I actually do, but I was contemplating whether to use it. I didn't want to confuse you.

Boboiboy: Makes sense I suppose. (smiles) You're a caring person, for sure.

Kai: E-Eh? How do you know that?

Boboiboy: Simple. Your posture.

Kai: My what now?

Boboiboy: Your posture. It's relaxed yet stiff, showing how defensive you can get at times. But at the same time, you look like the emotional type. That's how.

Kai: (eyes widen) Y-You're an analyst?

Boboiboy: Not really. I'm a detective. (shrugs) It's natural to be able to pick up stuff when you're used to it.

Kai: I-I see... I'm a detective too, honestly.

Boboiboy: Woah, really?! (grins) Terbaiklah! (Awesome! {Malay})

Kai: (blushes a bit) It's nothing... I'm just a profiler at best.

Boboiboy: (eyes widen in shock) A profiler?! You have got to be kidding me! Don't you know how much in demand they are these days?!

Kai: A-Are they?... (looks confused)

Boboiboy: YES!

His voice is so loud that Chenhua is awoken.


Kai: (blinks) Huh?

Boboiboy: Ah, you're awake! (apologetic tone) Sorry for the noise. I was having a conversation with your friend here, and I got too excited.

Chenhua: (blinks) Friend?... (turns to look at Kai, looks confused) I don't know him, though.

Kai: Neither do I.

Boboiboy: E-Eh?

Just then, the door opens to reveal Gopal, Yaya, Ying, Fang, and Kokoci as they enter.

Kokoci: (sees them) Mereka sudah bangun rupanya. (Looks like they've woken up. {Malay})

Boboiboy: (salutes to him) Iya, Komander. Tetapi mereka mengaku bahwa mereka tidak mengenal yang lain. (Yes, Commander. However, they've admitted that they do not know the other. {Malay})

Ying: Aiya, logika itu dari mana sih? (Aiya, where's the logic in that? {Malay}) (crosses arms)

Yaya: (nods) Ha ah, kan mereka jatuh bersama.... (Ha ah, they DID fall down together.... {Malay})

Kai: (overhears, he blinks as he looks at Chenhua again) Tapi.... (everyone's heads swivel over to him) Saya gak tahu dia... (But... I don't know him... {Malay})

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