Unlikely Friendships are Born! Orion's Stars!

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The portals, yet again, glitch as they combine to form 5 groups of 6, tossing them into unknown worlds once more.

This time, Reaper, Mister Movien, Tadeoniu, Akino, Lizzy and Ayame are led to what one would call an alternate universe...

In Russia, or more specifically in a certain training center, a certain trio are practicing their move.

Nosaka Yuuma: (begins the technique) Let's do this! (kicks it towards Haizaki Ryouhei)

Ryouhei: OH! (twists it, then kicks it towards Inamori Asuto) Asuto!

Asuto: Got it! (jumps towards it, kicks)

Yuuma, Ryouhei, Asuto: LAST RESORT!

The shoot soars high through the field as the three watch it near the goal, only for it to dissipate after the earth dragon emerges from the ground. 

Ryouhei: Argh! We almost had it!

Asuto: Don't give up, Ryouhei! I'm sure that we can perfect it! 

Yuuma: Agreed. We just need to keep practising. 

Ryouhei: (rolls eyes, but smiles) Fine then. Let's get back to work, Mister Sunshine and Mister Dictator. 

Yuuma: (chuckles) How cruel of you, Ryouhei. 

Asuto: (blinks, looks at Yuuma) Why did he call me Mister Sunshine, though? That's a really cute nickname. 

Ryouhei: (blushes) S-Shut up! 

Yuuma: (mock gasps) How could you, Ryouhei?! What would Leader say if he heard of what you said to poor little Asuto? 

Ryouhei: (gulps) Y-You wouldn't! 

Yuuma: Sa, who knows~ I mi-

He is cut off by a loud crash, causing their heads to swivel over, hands moving to their pockets out of reflex. 

They see the 4 humans, CG and Youkai rub their heads, ending up in a dog pile with poor Tadeoniu at the bottom and Reaper at the top as the portal that brought them there disappears. 

Lizzy: Urgh.... That hurts... 

Tadeoniu: (mumbles) Seriously, what is UP with the portals? 

Movien: (winces) Agh... Whoever's on top of me is heavy... 

Akino: What's that supposed to mean?! 

Ayame: (moans) Can someone PLEASE get off me? 

Reaper: (quickly hops off them, they slowly disperse, she sighs) Phew.... (freezes, she FINALLY recognises some of the voices) Hold on..... Lizzy? Tadeoniu?

Lizzy: Eh? Reaper? 

Tadeoniu: Reaper! (relieved) You're okay! 

Reaper: Of course I am! Why wouldn't I be? 

Akino: (blinks, he also finally recognises the others) Wait.... Yame-chan! Mister Movien! (smiles)

Movien: Akino! 

Ayame: KINO-NII! (ecstatic, hugs him tightly)

Movien: (hugs him too) It's been so long!

Akino: (hugs back) You guys! 

Lizzy: It's great to see you guys again! (hugs Reaper and Tadeoniu) 

Tadeoniu: Same here!

Reaper: I've missed you guys so much! 

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