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"The begining is always a means to an end"


I remember her voice.
Sweet like honey.
I remember her smile.
Bright like a shooting star.
I will always remember her.
She raised me to be the lady I am today. She always spoke of my sixteenth birthday as if she'd never be around to see it. I had always gotten angry at her words. She had made it seem as though she would abandon me and leave. I remember that day. The day they bound her in chains and put her on the stage. Her trial ended as quickly as it had started. A traitor to the magical council, and to us. The evidence shouted traitor.
I remember her screams of anger.
I remember the burning tears in my eyes.
I remember her begining and her end.
To this day I hear her words. The words she spoke to me when I always did something uncouth.
"The begining is always a means to an end"

I thrashed around in my bed, my head screaming at me to wake up. I turned from side to side groaning in agony. Then when her words were screamed in my head I bolted upward. In my cold sweat I started panting pushing my straight black hair off of my face. I took a couple of deep breaths and looked around. Completely alone. Complete silence. I sighed and put my legs on my bedside. My nightshirt clung to my body as I stood up. I walked to my vanity and looked at myself. Tired and pale. As if I was a dead woman walking. I sat in the chair and brushed my matted hair. Mondays. I groaned in anger and stood up. I needed to make myself presentable for Academy. After a shower I put on my uniform. A white dress shirt with a black bowtie, tucked into a black plaid pleated skirt. I put my black tights on underneath and them my black combat boots. Shoes were the only freedom we had with this particular school uniform. I then grab my blazer and button it up. Each button held a special symbol. The first button, the Roman numerals for 80, the amount of years the schools been active. The second button, a phoenix, the symbol of absolute power and beauty. And the third button, a four leaf clover, for luck. I pin my bangs to the side of my face and sigh. I pack my bag and walk out the house. As I walk down the halls of the Elite level Dormitory I stop. Room 109. Micheal White. I checked the time on my phone. 6:29 A.M. . One minute left until my closest friend walks out his door, and we continue our journey to the academy. I hear the knob click and the door swing open. I look to the side to see a tall white male. His dirty blond almost light brunette hair messed up slightly. His tie crooked, but the rest of himself looked pristine. I smile softly and move toward him fixing his tie and patting down his slight cowlicked hair. He smiles softly and looked to the side. A small thanks was said as we turned tail and started walking. He never leaves his house so, unacceptable. Micheal has always been a well kept boy even as a small child. Brushing his own hair a tying his own tie. He was always self sufficient. I've known him since the seventh grade. The year we were scouted and given a full ride scholarship to this academy. We walked in silence down the daunting halls of the dormitory. The eerie silence calming as once it his 7 A.M it will be as roudy as the rodeo. My name is Abigail. Abigail Black. Michael and I are the top two students at the Academy. Michael being the vice president, and I the student council president. We attend Flaming Phoenix Academy. An academy for the young gifted and talented magic wielders. This school wasn't sorted by popularity, but by power. It was a competitive school that enforced every rule that exsisted. Once we reach the door exiting to the academy grounds we summon our grimoires. Michaels is a scarlet red with grey carvings, and mine a abyss black with gold markings. This may seem strange to a regular school goer. But ten rules are enforced with an iron hold.

1. Grimoires are to be on ones person at all times, no matter the circumstances.
2. The uniform is to be tidy and neat. Displaying how well kept us students are.
3. Every challenge is to be overseen by a council member with complete neutrality.
4. Know every important person in campus.
5. The student council cannot be challenged without five high level instructors saying the student it strong enough to do so.
6. A challenge must be accepted unless it is against the student council.
7. Black magic is unacceptable and will result in a complete expulsion of all academy's connected or of such a high caliber as Flaming Phoenix Academy.
8. The student council are the only people that are allowed to solve high level issues.
9. Any visitors requires a level 5 pass to walk the halls of the academy.
10. Any issues in the academy, Stay In The Academy. No outsiders are to help in any of our matters.

Michael and I put our grimoires in our bookbags. Reciting the ten rules . We made it a habit to recite it. This was a way to, in a way, check what we needed before arriving to school. I sighed and looked at the beautiful Sakura trees. Their blossoms falling beautifuly onto the ground. I smiled softly. Another year. Another day gone by where we become stronger. I still cling to her words. To her story. I want her life to be told.

But then again...
It's more my story...
Than hers...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2019 ⏰

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