Tears of Magic Chapter 4

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Chapter 4  

Carla answered fast, and she said she will help! She is such a good friend. Nobody from my family knows who she is not even Katy, who was my best friend didn't know about her. My 'family' and I were invited to a party, my 'parents' could not come, Mark was at his friends and couldn't come either, and Katy was sick, and I went to represent the family.  

Carla was invied too, along with her family, she was a great person, and I always spoke to her after that, Katy asked me,one day, who she is and I just told her I met her at that party, she doesn't know her name. Carla is very rich and has a giant house!  

I went to the train station, I took the first one that could take me there! It was 11 pm. Time went so fast!  

The next day, at 7 am, I finally arrived. I went to her house and there were guardians everywhere.  

One the guards, at the gate said:  

"Hi, Alice, what brings you here?"  

It was an old man, he was the only one from there that knows me, because all the other guards were new, I was at Carla's house more then 3 times. He let me enter and Carla was coming from inside the house.  

"Alice, I'm so happy to see you here, how are you?" she asked and hugged me.  

"I will tell you everything inside!"  

Then we were in the house. She doesn't have any brothers and her parents died some years ago. Her grandparents live with her, but she is still so alone.  

"So, what happened, Alice?" she asked  

I told her about everything, about Katy, Matt, magic. And guess what? She wasn't surprised at all!  

"You knew about magic, don't you?" I asked.  

"I can't lie, I did know about magic because I have magic too, and my parents told me when I was 7, and from that time I trained."  

"I don't know if I am glad or angry you didn't told me!"  

"Why would you be glad?"  

"Because someone can explain me what the hell is happening!"  

"I couldn't tell you about magic because we have rules too, we can't tell anyone, and I didn't know you had magic . And I know Katy and Matt."  

I wanted to say something, but she stopped me and continued:  

"First let me explain all and then you can ask. I knew Katy because she is like the worst criminal, and Matt is a very powerful magician, along with his family, but he is the most powerful of all! I know about your eyes power, but I do not know much about it, nobody knows actually, is a mystery!  

I kept talking to her all day and she explain me the rules. All these years Katy seemed such a nice, loving and great person. And she is actually the worst criminal? There are still so many questions I don't have and answer, Carla told me she didn't know the answer either, but also told me that maybe I will find the aswers in time. I aske her if Katy was my real sister and she said yes, how could a sister be like this? I told Carla I want to see my fake parents and ask them some question, she said she will come to me. We will do it the next day because she said I am probably tired, and she was right.  

The next day at 10 am we were ready to go, but then I remebered:  

"Um, Carla, I just remebered I don't know where they are."  

She glared at me and then said. "Are. You. Kidding. Me?! You don't know where they are, they were your parents, and you never asked them were they went to!?"  

"Funny isn't it, hahaha!" I said smiling.  

She just kept staring at me.  

"I guess not..." I said in a whisper.  

She went somewhere and come back after 10 minutes, and she handed me a paper, it was an address on it.  


"Don't ask, what would you do without me?" she said smiling and I smiled back.  

We were there in an hour, it was a little blue with black, house. And it had a small garden.  

We went inside, the door was locked, but Carla did something and we could enter. It was silent. We looked in the whole house, but we couldn't find anyone.  

"Are you sure you got the right address?" I asked.  

"I am very sure, maybe they leaved. But after we leave this place too, let's check the basement."  

We found it, and then we entered, it was very dark and we could see nothing. We went a little further and I tripped over something and I fell on somethig liquid. Carla founded the switch. I wished she hadn't done that. I was covered in blood, but not mine, that liquid on the floor was blood, my 'parents' blood. And the thing I tripped over was my 'dad' hand. They were lieing on the floor, dead. I quickly got up.  

"What the hell happened here?!" asked Carla.  

My heart started aching. They were not my real parents, but I knew them since I was little, I hugged them, I told them my secrets, I lived with them and now they are dead, I really felt bad. There was a note on my mother's body, I took it and read loud so Carla could hear.  

"I knew you'd come here Alice, and of course I needed to kill them or they would have told you everything, and I will come for you my dear, just wait!" And it was signed "You dear sister, Katy".  

She is such a bitch, she doesn't just ruin my life, but others too! Ok Katy I get the massage, you want war, you'll get!  

It's on!


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