The Beggining

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One Day...
I was walking down the streets and see something run from out of the corner of my eye in an alleyway. I go to check out what it was. I then see a brown and pink puppy like creature standing in front of a portal. It turns to look at me and runs into the portal.
"Hey wait!" I said as I run into the portal.
Once I enter the portal I am engulfed by a sudden dizziness and everything around me goes black as I feel myself collapse.

Couple Hours Later.....
I wake up to see myself in an unfamiliar place. "Oh your awake!" I hear a voice say as I turn around. It was that puppy like creature I saw when I went into the alleyway. I quickly jump away from the creature looking confused and scared. "Wh-Where am I..and who are you?" I say in a stuttering voice. "Your in the Digi World and my names lopmon!" Lopmon says.
"How did I get here"? I ask. "You don't remember? You followed me through a portal then you suddenly collapsed." "Oh now I remember." I say. "But where is my home and how do I get back?" "I don't know..." Lopmon says. "I can help you find out how to get you back home." "Thanks that would mean a lot to me." I say. "By the way I didn't catch your name?" "My name is Ayaka Hiyashi". I say. "Ok nice to meet ya Ayaka." "By the way this is yours." Lopmon hands me an IPod looking item. "Mine"? I say. As I say that the black looking iPod like object turns silver. "What the?!" I say. "Yay! We are partners now Ayaka!" "How does this thing even work?" I say. "Oh you work it like this."

After Lopmon explains how it works

"Oh okay I think I get it now." I say. "Ok return lopmon!" I shout as Lopmon gets sucked into my Digi Loader. "Wow that was cool." I say. "Aya we should probably get going if we wanna find how to get you back home." Lopmon says through my Digi loader. "Ok let's go Lopmon!" I say as I run out of Lopmon's home.

To Be Continued....

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