"These guys can't be my roommates!"
Her eyes sparked, "What do you mean? I know I did my search thoroughly, these are the right boys, I'm sure of it."
"That's not what I meant. I can't room these guys! They're....well they're really good looking." I dropped my voice so the other girls on the bus wouldn't overhear.
Mandy, on the other hand just laughed. "Why are you laughing, this is a serious situation." I demanded.
"I just thought about the sleeping arrangements. They're all most likely going to be sleeping in their underwear, and you are going to be in pajamas. Not to mention guys don't always knock before going to the restroom, so there is always a chance that..." Mandy trailed off as she saw the look on my face.
Quickly she backtracked, "Everything is going to be fine, just make sure you set the boundaries in the room. Don't let those guys step on you. If you need any help remember, call me."
The bus jerked to a stop and only then did I notice that we had reached town.
"Well," I started, but didn't get a chance to finish as Mandy grabbed me into another one of her monster hugs.
"Promise to call me every night and let me know how it goes. Also, go by the main office first thing that morning and get your uniform and your room key. I'm going to miss you."
Giving her a weak smile, I said "Thanks again, Mandy. If it wasn't for your quick thinking I would have been a wreck this week. I'm going to miss you too."
Mandy shook her head. "It's my job as your best friend. And don't thank me yet, we're just getting started. I'll make sure to find evidence to get you back to school as soon as I can." She promised and gave me one last hug as we parted to head into the different areas of the city.
She usually came over and visited on the weekends to keep me company while my dad was away on business trips, but I had received that message saying that my brother, Pierce, was already home for the holidays. Plus, she was going on a ski trip with her mom.
Pierce was my brother that I was closest to in age, and that's about the only thing close about us. He had always been angry with me when growing up, blaming me for the death of our mother. She had died in the process of giving birth to me and he'd never forgiven me for it.
Pierce, being the baby in the family at the time, had been scared and angry. He made sure that I knew his feelings from the moment I could comprehend words. While it was unfair, I also couldn't help but feel guilty towards my brothers. No matter how many times my other brothers reassured me it wasn't my fault.
It was around the time of my mother's passing that my father, too, became distant. According to Heath, dad used to take all the boys out fishing, to play sports, and even take them and mom out to dinner and a show on his days off.
Now he just stayed cooped up in his office from Friday evening and headed out first thing Monday morning. As I was growing up, he was very over protective of me, but for some reason as time wore on; he just started ignoring my existence. Lucky for him I was just about to start high school so he was able to ship me off at the beginning of the school year.
Sadly, now I had gotten myself expelled from the place that had been his way of getting rid of me.
"Lucky me." I murmured sarcastically, jumping when I heard a honk beside me.
"Hurry up and get in before I change my mind." Pierce scowled as he sidled his car up to the curb.
"What are you doing here?" I asked blankly. Rolling his eyes he popped open the passenger door.

The Secret Life of Mitchie
Teen FictionMitche Daniels is your average 15-year-old. Smart, funny, and keeping a big secret. When a freak accident gets Mitchie expelled from her boarding school, her world gets turned upside down. Ever since her mother passed away, her father has been too b...