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The shelf behind Seth and Roman started shaking making them turn around as Paige and Charlotte stood behind them.

Seth-''Stay behind us, girls.''

The shelf continued shaking and they could hear the books falling on the floor on the other side.

Charlotte-''Oh, no!''

Roman-''Don't worry, girls. What ever happens, we will protect you.''

Paige & Charlotte didn't respond.


Seth & Roman looked behind them and saw Paige & Charlotte running away very fast!

Roman-''I think we should go with them.''


Seth & Roman ran down the passage after Paige & Charlotte who were way ahead of them. Meanwhile, Dean and Becky approached a door.

Becky-''Do you think this is the way out?''

Dean-''Only one way to find out.''

Dean opened the door.


Dean & Becky walked into a small child's playroom.

Becky-''Is this Neeby's room?''

Dean-''It's definitely for little kids.''

There were kids books on a small shelf with a small table and chairs next to it and stuffed animals almost everywhere.

Becky-''Hey, how old is Neeby?''

Dean-''She's about 7 years old.''

Dean kneeled down next to the small table.

Dean-''Hey, check this out.''

Becky kneeled down next to Dean. They saw a kid's drawing.

Becky-''Cute. I remember drawing with crayons as a kid.''

Dean smiled.

Becky-''Wait a second. Is that you?''

Dean-''I think it is.''

Becky-''Yep. I recognise that leather jacket anywhere.''

They laughed.

Becky-''Neeby really likes you.''

Dean-''What can I say? I'm adorable.''

Becky-''You sure are.''

Becky kissed Dean and they stood up.

Becky-''So, where do we go now?''

Dean & Becky looked around.

Dean-''Hey, Becky?''


Dean-''If you had a hidden door in your room as a kid, where would you put it?''

Becky thought about it.

Becky-''I know.''

Becky stepped over to the closet that was in the corner of the room. Then Becky moved the closet to the left and there was a door.

Becky-''Ta Da!''

Dean-''That's my girl.''

Dean walked over to Becky as she opened the door. They stepped out into another passage.

Dean-''Come on, I'm sure we'll be back with the others soon.''

Dean closed the door behind them and they walked just about 10 feet before getting to a stairwell that was going down.

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