This is about you (y/n) and Len. You realised that a school near yours is closing down so the teachers at your school have told you that some more students might be joining your school. You were recently bullied so your reputation was kinda low. Aft...
Your POV I hear something comforting me so I eventually stop sobbing and look behind me. Isn't that Rin Kagamine?
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"Come inside (y/n)-chan" she smiled sweetly. I slowly got up and tried to calm my sobs down but failed miserably. It looked like she lived in this huge mansion. She opened the gate and opened the huge door. When she opened it I saw a chandelier on the ceiling but my vision started to get blurry again so I just followed Rin's silhouette. We made it to the sitting room and she told me to take a seat.
She took her shoes and coat off and sat on the sofa next to me. I clenched my skirt and I tried to keep my tears back but like always, I failed. I felt Rin hold my head and then she placed it on her lap. I put my legs on the sofa so basically I was resting my head on Rin's lap while laying down on the sofa. She looked down at me and frowned.
"What's wrong, (y/n)-chan?" I tried to speak but jibberish came out my mouth. I was still thinking out how I am now alone and I have no close family left. Why is Rin so nice? I though she was bratty and wanted to be popular but I was wrong I guess. Len and Rin are really similar I guess. Both of them are really sweet and kind.
"I'll sing and hopefully it'll calm you down." She smiles at me. Her voice was so soft and calm.
She started singing this song. Her voice was so nice and while she was singing I decided to think. I thought of my parents and family. Our good times, and bad. Her voice made me want to cry, which I did. My cry was silent though. No sobbing or speaking, just tears. (Like the picture below but on Rin's lap)
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I wanted to hear Rin's beautiful voice. I recognised the song. It was called 'sigh' (a/n I left a video above so if you don't know it at least have a listen :) it was beautiful. As soon as she finished my mind was completely off my family. It's like it never happened. I ignored it because I don't want to be sad anymore.
Just after she stopped singing a familiar face walked in the room. It was Len. (I mean of course, they are siblings after all)
Len's POV (finally •^•) I had a good first day at my new school I guess. But the only thing I guess was kinda sad was that a fight happened. It was between (y/n) and Christina. Everyone asked me who's side I was on and I replied "(y/n) of course!" When I said that a lot of people asked me why. I would tell them that she was nice to me but they'll tell me that she was some "snake" I don't believe them. They just don't talk to her that much anyway. Even if I didn't like (y/n) I still would've been on her side because during lunch when I was by myself Christina pinned me to a wall and bit her fish lips (I got that from (y/n) and looked at me seductively. I just kinda told her that I wasn't interested and walked away.
When I walked in my mansion I heard Rin singing. It was the song she sang to me if I was upset. I would lay down and she would lay my head on her lap. She is such a good older sister but at times she can be extremely lazy. But I can't complain cause I'm the laziest. I wonder, is she upset? I was curious so I walked towards the sitting room with my shoes off and peeked through the door crack (lmao) and saw Rin sitting on the sofa with someone resting their head on her lap. I looked closer without being noticed and saw a girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair and she had really dull, almost black eyes. Her eyes were puffy as if she has just been crying. The girl was just starting at the wall while staying awfully quiet. I could still tell that he breathing was uneven because of the way her chest moved ( I can't describe it any better so it might sound weird lol ) She looked like a lifeless body. I bet she has cried for a long time. I'm guessing it's because of a breakup or something. She looks really familiar for some reason.
Once Rin finished her song I walked in. I looked at the girl. Isn't that (y/n)? I asked myself. When she looked at me I smiled at her and walked towards the sofa. I plopped down beside (y/n)'s feet and looked at her, concerned.
"Are you okay (y/n)?" Surprisingly she spoke back.
"Y-yes. I-I a-am now b-because o-of your s-sister." She was breathing heavily and her voice was shakey. Man I feel really sorry for her.
"What happened?" I asked. I looked at my sister and she was giving me a death glare. But (y/n) actually sat up and explained everything.
Oh man. I feel awful for her. I mean she has no family left or anywhere to stay. I looked upset and we all just stared at the ground. Until Rin jumped up from the sofa and faced us with a big grin on her face. What is it now?
"(Y/n), (y/n)! I have an idea! We can drive to your place, pack your things and you can live with us! Think about it! All of us walking to school together!" (Y/n) smiled but then frowned again.
"I bet we can't do that. You need to sign papers or stuff. And when I go to school tomorrow what do I say? Ah, no~ I'm living with the twins now! You don't need to worry~ It doesn't work like that! It doesn't! Thank you for coming up with that idea but it just won't"-
"But it will be fun! Please just do it! I'll buy you food and cook it for you and I'll even feed it to you if you want me to! We can play games together, we can tell each other scary story's and hug in the dark, and we can"-
"LEN! STOP BEING ROMANTIC, SHE WILL WANT TO LEAVE IF YOU CARRY ON!" Rin turned to (y/n). "I mean if you want to do those things with Len~" she eyebrow shifted really fast. Me and (y/n) looked at each other, blushing and she shook her head.
"Ew noooo that's gross!" She then made some gagging sounds. I didn't want it to sound like that! I just want to have fun with her... OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH CURSE MY DIRTY MIND. I shook my head furiously and stood up.
"Y-you know what?! Let's pack (y/n)'s things a-already!" I walked out the sitting room. Once I did I leaned on the wall and I covered my face while thinking of what an awkward idiot I was. After I sighed and put my shoes on.
(Y/n) came out the sitting room, wiping her eye. Man I really feel bad for her... I thought. She turned to me and pulled on my sleeve a bit. I looked at her and she still had glistening eyes. She quickly looked down.
"Let's go quickly Len." I giggled and walked out the house with her. "Do you know how to drive?" She asked me worriedly.
"Well yes. I know, I know, I'm only 13 but I practiced when I was 7 okay?" She looked at me shocked. I wasn't lying, I actually took lessons at that age. How do you get away with it you ask? Well I have a pretty good vocal range so I just put my schmexy deep voice on and it seems to trick everybody.
I let (y/n) in the car and closed the door and walked to the other side and I sat on the seat (where else would I sit dumb author) I put on my seat belt and glanced at (y/n) who had already buckled her seat belt. (A/n funny thing is, I'm writing this in a car lol) She nodded at me and I started driving.
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Omg doesn't he look like Cat Noir? aM i tHe OnlY mIraCulOus fAn?