Chapter Six: 00:11:21:17:48:03

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After waking from a restless sleep, Cara got dressed and stumbled down to the kitchen to grab some food before having to deal with her family, and their guest. 

I am way too exhausted to deal with people today. Cara thought blandly.

Cara reached the door to the kitchen, and was about to open it and greet the palace chef, when it swung open and knocked her over.

Looking down at her sprawled out on the floor was none other than Hadrian, always around to knock her down.

"May I assist you up, Princess Caralina?" Hadrian asked politely while reaching out his hand, trying -- and failing-- to hide the small smirk on his face.

Cara swat his hand away, and retorted "How many times do I need to tell you? Just Cara! And no, I do not require any assistance; you may see me as a dainty damsel in distress, but in reality I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself!" She stood up and reopened the door.

"I apologize. I should not behave so rudely. In fact, I was just about to look for you, before you knocked me over," Cara paused and took a deep breath, smothering her annoyance, "I wanted to say thank you. I didn't expect you to react so quickly and help my mother last night, especially after she had been so rude."

"It was my pleasure, Cara," Hadrian's smirk widened as he saw Cara's eyes narrow, "How about we work on creating a civil relationship? Let's say... Lunch tomorrow?"

"Fine. But don't expect us to suddenly become best friends, and no Lynette. I don't want her around to ruin everything again." Cara started to reach for a plate.

"Of course, it will just be the two of us. No need to dress up either, I have a feeling you're one who enjoys a casual style," Hadrian glanced at Cara's over-sized shirt paired with old, ripped shorts.

Cara repressed a smile, she certainly did hate dressing up, and it was nice for Hadrian to take notice. 

No. It was certainly not nice! He is not nice. He is a prince. He is a spoiled prince! He doesn't care about you, or anyone else. It is all an act. This is how these rich boys are: they hide their own treachery behind their chivalrous facades.  

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow," Cara turned around and couldn't stop the small smile that graced her face (against her head's judgement), as she began to add sliced fruit and scones to her empty plate.

After eating a delicious meal prepared by the best chef in Kalixia, Cara headed back to her room.

She called for Abi, and told her everything that was going on in her mind.

"So that confirms it, Hadrian is making an effort to become friends. That's such an unexpected twist. He actually seems to care about me. Who would have known? I can't be sure he really does care. He is royalty, meaning he has been taught to lie and charm since the moment he was born." Cara paused, "Probably before that. It's natural. Lying is in his blood. Anyways, I suppose I'll see him again at lunch tomorrow. I hope he's just as pleasant as today," Cara concluded.

"I'm certainly glad your relationship is taking a turn for the better," Abi agreed.

Abi left the room, and Cara gathered her supplies for her daily lessons. She met up Lynette and they continued along to the study hall where there would meet up with their tutor.

As the sisters walked, there was an uneasy tension in the air. Cara peered over at her younger sister. Cara noted Lynette had been spending an inordinate amount of time on her appearance lately. It's not as if your beauty will force this marriage to go through. It is all about politics. If the politicians say you marry, you marry. No questions asked.  

Finally, Lynette spoke, "I heard that you and Hadrian scheduled lunch tomorrow. I'm glad you're making an attempt to become friends," she sniffed, "However, I'm offended you didn't include me. You two better only be having lunch."

"We're trying to become friends. I thought that's what everyone wanted," Cara frowned, "And what else would we be doing other than having lunch?"

Lynette quickened her pace silently, refusing to answer Cara's question. She spoke to no one on her way to class, only stopping momentarily to peer into a hallway mirror. Lynette had curled her hair into perfectly arranged corkscrews. Her flawlessly groomed eyebrows were arched high over shockingly green eyes. The contrast between the two sisters was rather extravagant.

Lynette was all shades of fall-- deep forest eyes, golden skin the color of just turning leaves, hair the color of caramel. On the other hand, Cara had inherited more of her mother's attributes. Her eyes were icy blue with slight specks of azure shooting through them, her skin was slightly sun-warmed, and her hair was a bright auburn. On first glance, one might not even realize their sisterhood. Only upon further inspection would one notice the similarities of the shape of their eyes, the slight dimples that only appear when grinning, or the distinct curve of their cupid bows. 

The two reached the study hall, and Lynette opened the door wordlessly, still abnegating to answer the question.

Ms. Henry their tutor greeted them with a smile, but Cara knew that was the only affection she would receive throughout the lesson. Ms. Henry had a rather strict teaching style.

"Today in history we will be studying the events leading up to World War III, mainly focusing on The Socialist Party of Egypt. There will be a test next week."

Cara groaned, know all of this already! Why must we study it everyday? It is always about WWIII. I don't know anything about the first two world wars, but I can practically narrate the third!

Cara and Lynette worked next to each other, hunched over their books, the room so silent you could hear the distant arguing in the King's Study.

"Excuse me, Ms. Henry may I be excused to the library to further my research?" Cara asked, attempting to sound eager, while secretly plotting to escape the lesson.

"I suppose, Princess Cara," came Ms. Henry's reply, voice laced with confusion over Cara's sudden peak in interest.

Cara gathered her books, and walked to the library. She set her books on the floor, grabbed the oldest book she could find, and plopped down on her favorite plush chair.

Les Misérables proved to be an interesting read. Cara felt herself becoming wrapped up in 1800s France.

She got about halfway through, when she realized the class was over. She jot down a few notes about the precursor to the war, and hurried back to the study hall to begin math, one her favorite subject.

Finally, after five long hours of studying, and a one hour lunch break, Cara was dismissed.

While walking back to the library, she passed her father's study, and heard the king's booming voice. Intrigued, she leaned her ear onto the heavy wooden door, and strained to hear the conversation.

It was hard to catch everything said, but Cara could tell her father was in the middle of a heated argument with King Zephirinus.

Cara endeavored to hear the whole conversation, but all she managed to pick up was her father telling King Zephirinus, "you told Hadrian too much," and "they're finally starting to get along."

Cara walked back to her bedroom and pondered the conversation. She assumed "they" was Hadrian and herself.

I wonder what King Zephirinus could have told Hadrian that regards me? Were they even talking about me? Who else would they be talking about? And why would they be hiding something from the crown prince? She thought while she shook her head, I suppose I will have  tconfront Hadrian tomorrow at lunch to see what news he could have possibly learned, and what it has to do with me.

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