Chapter Five: 00:11:22:02:31:49

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Cara stormed off angrily, hurt by Lynette's cruel words. She reached her room and closed the door. Throwing herself onto her bed, she allowed her brain to travel to a region normally unvisited, and remember an event she tried so hard to forget, but never quite could: her older brother Declan's death.

He was just eight, and Cara four. She remembered how one quiet evening that seemed to a young Cara just like any other, she had peacefully lain down to sleep as her mother tucked her in. The next morning she was sat down next to Lynette who was just two, unable to understand what was going on, and told that Dex, her big brother, and more importantly, her best friend was captured by rebels and killed.

Cara had travelled in a confused haze for the next few weeks. At first, she asked her nursemaid and servants where Dex was. When they refused to give her an answer, she went to her mother. Every day she would ask when Dex would come back to play. Every day her mother would flinch and remain silent.

As time passed, she asked about Dex less and less. She would find herself hoping to play with Dex, wondering where he was, but learned not to voice her questions. It wasn't until years later, left only with a few murky memories, that she truly comprehended that she had lost her brother.

After the tragedy, Cara's family slowly dissolved. Her father vowed to banish any unfaithful citizens, while her mother mourned and locked herself in her room, refusing to eat.

Cara shook her head to clear her thoughts, wiping tears from her eyes.

I must keep moving forward, it is just me now.I have to make the best out of my final days. I must stop remembering Declan, he is gone. There is no use of fixating on the past. If only I had more time, I could fight my father's tyranny and the corruptionwith the kingdom.

She heard a quiet knock, which could only belong to Abimyne, and called out, "Come in!"

Abimyne walked in, and sat next to Cara. She pulled Cara's hair back behind her ears and tried to comfort her.

"I'm sorry that your apology to Hadrian went so wrong. It's all my fault, I was the one who told you to make things right! And to top it off, Lynette had the audacity to call you out on it, cruely might I add! The two of them will make each other perfectly miserable. They deserve each other. Your ladies are very concerned, Cara. The staff, too. Please know we will support you with whatever you wish to do," Abimyne gave Cara a small, but genuine smile, with a glint of mischeif in her eyes.

"I also came in to tell you that your mother called for you. She says it is the most urgent of natures," Abimyne shot a worried glance towards Cara to see her reaction.

"Fine, if I must, I will go. I am certainly not in the mood to deal with her right now," Cara sighed, knowing that she had no alternative choice.

Cara prepared to see her mother, and walked towards the Sitting Room, where she was told to come. She wasn't very surprised when she saw the stiff back of Hadrian, sitting across from her mother.

"Ah, Cara please take a seat. I have urgent matters to discuss regarding you, and Hadrian," Queen Eira gestured to the plush red velvet chair beside Hadrian, and Cara sat down.

"I heard about your dispute, and wished to clear up matters. Cara, you must keep your temper of yours down at bay! Who knows what the public will say if they hear of your immature actions?" Her mother let out an exasperated sigh.

"Hadrian, I know Cara was out of line, but we must appear as if we are all friends. Please try to forgive her, and her bitterness," she continued as if Cara was not in the room.

"Cara, I forgive you for your behavior-" Hadrian began.

"Mother! You can't possibly believe one sit down with the two of us will resolve--" Queen Eira interrupted Cara.

"Cara, for the life of me I cannot understand why you are acting in such a selfish way!" She paused, looking off into space for a moment.. "Hadrian will be your brother-in-law; you have to make nice with him sometime, whether you would like it or not! Why not now, like a civilized princess?"

"It's not like I'm going to live to see that day; the day when Hadrian will be my brother-in-law! By that time, I'll be long gone and you will have the perfect family you always wanted!" Cara was shouting now.

Suddenly, the queen collapsed.

"Cara, why is your mother on the floor?! We must wake her! Tell me, is she not sleeping well? Is she not eating? What is wrong?!" Hadrian spoke quickly, and efficiently with concern in his voice.

"For years she hasn't eaten well, but I don't think that's it." Cara wrung her hands nervously. "The opium. It's most likely from her excess amounts of opium. She must have overdosed." Cara's vision became blurry as her eyes brimmed with unshed tears.

Hadrian began to pick the queen off of the floor, and set her gently back in the chair while telling Cara what to do.

"Call a physician, your mother should be fine after some medical attention. Why hasn't anyone been helping her with this addiction? Opium is very dangerous," he stated genuinely.

Cara quickly called for the palace physician, who had them bring the queen to her room.

"She's fine, don't worry now," the physician said after thoroughly examining Queen Eira.

"The only thing to do now is wait. The drug will make its way through her system fast enough. Lucky for her, she didn't take a lethal dose. I suggest lots of rest, and healthy portions at mealtimes. I will return later to check on her, for now let us leave her in her slumber." The doctor shook his head as they left the queen's large chambers. "She will need to be weaned off the opium. Depriving her body of it could have some negative effects. This is a dangerous secret. The best thing we can do is administer the drug under a controlled environment. But, you two don't need to worry about these messy troubles."

Cara and Hadrian walked away, and returned to their respective rooms. As Cara sat down on her bed, she couldn't help but think about Hadrian's kindness to a woman who had displayed such rudeness. His quick action to help her was remarkable.

must remember to thank him tomorrow. She thought to herself as she called Abi in to prepare for bed.

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