15: Guilt and Love

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A/N: This chapter contains sensitive/triggering content and some swear words. Proceed with caution.

Hewlo Lovely people~! I'm here with an update today since I can't do this Sunday. Actually I would like to change my update day to Thursday OR Friday instead. It suits my schedule better for the time being. ^^ Sorry my schedule changes a lot. Well then, enjoy!



Kujou Takamasa was certainly not pleased when he saw Riku wearing light clothes without a disguise, standing in the dark, cold night, a few steps away from the deep lake surrounding the Zero Arena. Riku stared into his father's dark eyes. His own red eyes glowed. They were not so blank and lifeless as usual. They were lit up with fury.

"Son, what do you think you are doing?" Takamasa came to a stop a good distance away from the redhead. He remained composed but no usual smirk was shown on his face.

"Father, I shall be your tool no longer." Riku spoke firmly and bluntly that even Takamasa was slightly taken aback.

"Foolishness. What can you possibly do without me?" Takamasa huffed and opened his arms wide, speaking to the night sky. "Look how far you have become." He expected Riku to see that the boy owed him and that he owned the boy.

"I am tired of it all, father. Not being able to show true emotions is one thing, but not being able to feel is a different matter entirely." Riku then looked up at Takamasa and shouted angrily. "Do you know how fucked up I am? How much pain I feel every day?"

It was the first time Riku talked back to Takamasa in such a way. The boy let his intense emotions out, not bothering about trying to keep a healthy level of them right now. "Riku, what do you want?" Takamasa asked, not knowing what else to say.

Riku spoke in his terms. "Let me drop out of Black or White and quit this agency."

Meanwhile, Iori was taking a walk around Zero Arena, hoping it would take his mind off Riku a bit. He had sent so many messages for the past two days without getting any replies from Riku. He tried visiting Riku's apartment earlier but had no luck. Where are you, Riku? He was lost in thought until he heard a loud, angry shout from nearby. He decided to follow the voice to check what was going on when he saw the person he was looking for with a man he never wanted to see again. Iori hid behind a large tree in the park area in the back where he could still hear their conversation and take a peek. Iori gasped internally when he heard the bit about quitting. The boy told himself to keep calm and continue gathering information.

"My life is not yours anymore now that my parents are dead. Tenn-nii does not need any kind of support from you. I might be your adoptive son, but that's it. You were never a father to me." Riku's gaze was so sharp and violent, it could probably tear Takamasa apart if the guy's heart was not made of concrete. The pale man was getting more irritated now. Riku was supposed to fear him. Takamasa was supposed to have control here.

"You are not made to feel, Riku. You only exist to fulfil my dream and this is the only way." The words did not make Riku react one bit. Not sure if it was the boy's determination or fury that shielded his heart. On the other hand, Iori's body shook in frustration. He is a person! How could you...!

"Very well, father, if that is your answer..."

Riku took an inhaler out of his pocket and held it in front of his face for the old man to see. He then threw it to the ground and stomped on it with his foot, breaking it into tiny pieces.

"Son, what are you...?!" Takamasa never panicked much. This time, even a man like him was shocked by Riku's action. Riku took two steps backwards, getting even closer to the edge of the lake.

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