Chapter 1

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[Percy's POV]

I can't believe it. I'm being banned from Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter. I lost Annabeth. I lost all of my friends. And I even lost my mom and Paul.

Sure I'm sad that my mom died but it wasn't like they were killed by one of the Titans. They just died in an idiotic drunk car crash.

I'm packing up my things and trying not to destroy everything in my path.


The day started out normal but then Grover came running with a new camper. A few days later he was claimed by Ares. The kid thought he was a big shot and he fooled almost everyone that he really was.

Somehow he turned everyone except the seven, Thalia, Grover, and a few others on me. They called me a traitor, a nobody, and other things.

But it didn't matter because I still had my wise girl.

For a month I went on a quest to get Athena's blessing. We worked together with Hephaestus to make a beautiful ring. And Athena was able to stand me a little more during it.

When I got back to camp I was so excited to find Annabeth. I ran throughout camp looking everywhere for her. 

When I got to the beach I saw the Ares kid with some blonde. I expected it to be an Aphrodite kid but then I heard Annabeth's laugh.

Se had jumped into his arms and was making out with him like there was no tomorrow. I couldn't believe it. I didn't know what to do. Be angry? Furious? Sad? Somehow I didn't feel any of that. I just felt my heart shatter. My loyalty was taken advantage of by her...

I heard a gasp and I realized she had finally seen me. He had a confused look on his face until he saw me, and that's when the smirk grew onto his face.

I took only three steps forward before throwing the ring box at his feet.

"This will be more useful to you. Good luck with her."

Annabeth had grabbed the box and looked inside. I turned around and I heard her start to cry. But it was just a show. And I would know. I have known her since I was twelve...

I ran back to my cabin and fell onto my bed, crying. I was absolutely broken. And then the Iris Message showed up and it was Hades who was on the other side.

"Lord Hades," I said with a bow.

"Hello, Perseus. I have bad news for you. Today your mother and stepfather were killed in a car crash involving a drunk mortal. I am very sorry, and I give you all of my condolences." he said before cutting off the Iris Message.

This time I started crying even more and kicking everything around me. Then I heard a knock on my door that could've broken it down. When I opened it, I saw Chiron there glaring at me.

"Pack your bags. You are banished from both demigod camps. You are a disappointment to all of us. You left Annabeth for another girl. She's pregnant, Perseus. With your child. You have ten minutes to pack your bags and leave." Chiron then stormed off.

Annabeth is pregnant...Annabeth is pregnant...from me! Wait, I never did anything with her. I'm still a virgin. This just proves that she cheated on me and I'm innocent! But nobody will believe me.

-Flashback over-

I run out of the cabin and I try to leave camp. As I'm running I feel a terrible pain in the back of my leg and I fall to the ground. I look down at my leg and I see a silver arrow. Thalia had shot me. I pulled the arrow out of my leg and screamed in pain. I grabbed my bag and I dug through and found my ambrosia. I quickly ate it and the pain became bearable.

I got up and I ran towards my mom's old place and I don't stop until I'm there. I fall to the ground and cry right as I walk into my room.

I hear a loud pop and look up to see Lord Hermes standing there. I bow to him and he looks dumbstruck to the fact of me being so polite.

"Perseus you are being summoned to Olympus. The Olympians want to have a meeting with you." Hermes said before he grabbed my arm and teleported us to Olympus.

Great. First my friends, then my mom and Paul, then my girlfriend, and now the gods. The gods will punish me and they'll break my loyalty to them and my trust and will send me to someplace. Maybe Tartarus.

When I looked around I expected to see glares and gods coming towards me. But that didn't happen. In fact, the gods looked at me curiously. And Aphrodite was crying with Hestia crying to comfort her.

My father went into a human form and pulled me into a hug. 

"Percy tell me what happened. Aphrodite refuses to tell us anything and only told us to summon you." the god says.

I shake my head and start to cry again, "I can't, father. It hurts too much...they destroyed me...they all destroyed me..."

He held me tighter and looked over at Lady Hera. He pleads to her to show them all my memories and the goddess does just that. Wires are attached to my head and my memories are shown on a huge screen. Surprisingly, it didn't hurt.

It started on that day when the Ares kid showed up. The gods cursed their children and my father kept holding me. 

The screen showed my quest to Athena and then it showed today.

When the memories ended the gods were furious. They all looked at me in pity and the wires disappeared from my head.                                                                                                                               

Aphrodite was still in tears and I was trying so hard not to start crying once again.

"Perseus, the gods have made the decision to offer you immortality once again," Zeus stated.

"Once again sir I must decline," I replied.

"Alright. How about we give you the power to help the world in a different way instead of quests?"

"No quests? What's the catch?" There always is a catch with the gods.

"Since your mother is dead you must stay with another guardian. You will be staying with your mother's separated brother." my father stated.

"And who could that be?" I asked. I didn't even know mom had a brother.

"Tony Stark."

{That's it for this chapter guys! Hope you enjoyed!}


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