Chapter 5

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[Percy's POV]

Once we all got back to the tower everyone sat down and stared at me intently.

"So? What was all of that? And how do you look like that?" Tony asked.

I realized I was still in my toga and my wings were still out. "Do you want the full story or the shortened version?"

They all said the full story.

So, I told them.

I told them about meeting Grover and going to Camp Half-Bood for the first time. I told them about Zeus' master bolt. I told them about Thalia and her tree. I told them everything before the Second Titan War and I told them what happened during it. I told him how Hera stole mine and Jason's memories and how I met the seven. I told them against the war against Gaea and everything that came before it. 

Then I told them about me going on the quest for Athena's blessing. I told them about the ring and how I worked so hard on it with Athena and Hephaestus. I told them about the day when I went back to camp. I told them how I was banished and I found out the same day that my mother and stepfather were dead. 

I told them about how I was summoned to Olympus and the Olympians blessed me and that is why I was so powerful. I told them everything. And I realized it had taken hours.

"So that's why you have all of the scars?" Bruce asked.

I nodded, "Many battles, many scars."

"You've lost everything, huh kid?" Tony said.

"Yep. My friends, my girlfriend, my mom, and stepfather, and I can hardly see my dad and the other gods. You guys are the only people I have now that I think about it." I replied.

"Who here thinks Tony's nephew should be in the Avengers?" Fury asked.

Everyone agreed.

"Wait. You all want me to join the Avengers?" I asked.

"Welcome to the team, Percy," Tony said before coming over to me and hugging me.

And for the first time, I hugged back.

"Of course, you do need a superhero name," Natasha said.

"True. What did that thing call you? 'the little sea prince'?" Clint asked.

"Oh yeah. Since Poseidon is my dad and he's the king of the sea, I guess I'm the sea prince." I replied.

"Looks like you found your hero name," Bruce said.

"You are Sea Prince," Tony said.

I smiled, "I like it."

Everyone smiled and then Tony sent me upstairs to change into normal clothes again. I could hear everyone laughing a little as I walked out of the room and to my room

[Tony's POV]

"You know he actually isn't that bad," Clint said.

"Yeah, especially since he has some of your blood in him," Steve said with a smirk.

"Wow, real mature Steve. But really, he is only seventeen and he turns eighteen in August. He's been through a lot." I replied.

Steve was about to reply when thunder and lightning struck and Thor and Loki appeared in the center of the room.

Everyone quickly got up and pointed their weapons towards Loki. But how could we not? We have never been able to trust him and he always goes against us.

"Calm down everyone! My brother is here in peace! Can you please put down your weapons? They make him uncomfortable." Thor said while holding his hands up.

We all slowly put down our weapons and looked towards the two gods.

"Thor what the hell do you think you are doing bringing Loki here?!" I exclaimed.

"Trust me, Tony. He's on our side!" he said with a smile.

I scoffed and went downstairs to work on my suit.

[Percy's POV]

I was putting my crown into the back of my closet when someone walked into my room.

"Uhm...hi?" I said.

"Hello...Who are you exactly?" said a man in green and black.

"Percy Jackson. You could say I'm the long lost nephew of Tony." I replied. "Who are you?"

"I'm Loki." he simply replied.

"Nice to meet you, Loki. Are you part of the Avengers?"

"No, I have a love-hate relationship with the superhero team. Let me guess Tony doesn't let you fight because you are his nephew?"

"Actually I have some powers and a superhero name," I said with a smirk, "I'm the Sea Prince."

"The Sea Prince? Really? Why is that?" he asked.

I got out hurricane bringer and uncapped it letting the trident show, "Because my powers are based on this to make it simple."

"A trident? So you can control the sea? How is that possible?" he asked with a confused expression.

"Because, just like you are a god, I'm a Greek demigod. I'm the demigod son of Poseidon." I replied.

"Demigod of Poseidon? Interesting...So what can you do with your powers exactly?" he asked.

"Well using the trident I can form a hurricane. I can also control water and I get healed when I am in contact with it. Uhm I can make it so I can walk on water and water will move me wherever I decide...I can do a lot of things involving water and ice and snow and stuff like that. But I was also blessed by the Olympians so I have some of their powers. I also can fly." I replied.

"Impressive. Now can you actually fly or do you use air and wind to propel you int the air?" he asked.

I smirked and let my wings out, "Oh I can fly." 

He laughed, "You are very impressive, Percy. Now I must be on my way before your uncle decides to come up and kill me."

"Too late." I heard someone say.

I looked behind Loki and saw Tony standing by the door, "Uncle Tony, it's fine. We were just talking."

"He's dangerous, kid. I don't care if you are a demigod he is a god also," he replied with his hand pointed out. He was in his suit and he was going to blast him.

"Relax Iron Man. I'm not going to hurt your nephew." Loki said with a smirk.

"Dam right you won't," he said before sending a blast towards Loki.

I used the super speed Hermes blessed me with and jumped in front of Loki before the blast could hit him.

And then everything was black.

{That's it for this chapter guys! Hope you enjoyed!}


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