Chapter 4

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[Percy's POV]

"What do you want?!" I yelled.

"Hey, kid. Can you just come out here, please? It'll be quick." I heard Tony say.

I groaned but I went out. I was going to follow my dad's orders. Even if I didn't want to.

"What?" I snapped.

"I'm just having Bruce give you a checkup," Tony replied.

I stiffened, "Why? I'm fine."

"It's mandatory. Now c' mon." he said.

He went to grab my wrist but I avoided it and ran off. He yelled after me but I just kept on running.

Of course, I had no clue where I was going. 

I had just kept on running but soon I was caught and was dragged to the lab and was handcuffed to the chair.

"Why do you even have handcuffs?! And I don't need this stupid checkup!" I yelled.

"Calm down kid! It will take ten minutes tops!" Bruce said while trying to get me to hold still.

At one point he had been able to check my vitals and now he just won't stop asking questions.

"Do you have any medical problems, allergies, or are you diagnosed with anything?" Bruce asked.

"I have ADHD, dyslexia, and I'm allergic to people who can't take a hint." I snapped.

He rolled his eyes, "Have you ever been seriously injured in the past?"

"What's the point of these questions?! I'm just the annoying nephew! Why do I need this stupid checkup?!" He snapped.

"Wait, so is that a yes?" Bruce asked with a concerned look on his face.

"No Bruce it's a no! How would I possibly get seriously injured when I'm only seventeen?!"

I can tell I'm getting under his skin since Bruce looks madder and madder but he does his best to stay calm.

"Have you ever been seriously sick or have been in contact with poison?" 

My whole body just tenses up and I am ready to snap. "Four times," I whispered.

"What?" he asks. Confusion has taken over his whole face.

"Four. Times." I said again. "I have been poisoned four times."

He stands up so quickly that his chair falls back. "What?! How have you been poisoned four times?!"

I stayed silent. How was I going to tell this doctor how I got poisoned when they don't even know mythology is all real? I can't. So I stay silent.

When he realizes I won't answer, he grabs his chair and sits back down. "One more thing and then we're done. I need you to take off your shirt so I can look for any more health issues."

"Now how can I do that with handcuffs on exactly?" I snapped.

Bruce growled and pulled my shirt off where it was hanging off of one of my shoulders. He then froze

[Bruce's POV]

This kid is covered in scars! It looks like every type of weapon or blast or attack has been used on this kid. But that can't be right.

"Percy how did you get these scars?!" I exclaimed.

"Fights at camp," he replied.

"Yeah right," I said.

Tony walked in without looking at us for a moment but right as he did he froze.

"What the-"

"Shut up!" Percy yelled, cutting Tony off. "I don't want to hear it!"

Percy got out of the handcuffs and then ran off.

"He's been poisoned four times, Tony," I whispered in disbelief.

"What else could've happened to that kid..." Tony whispered back.

[Percy's POV]

They saw my scars. ALL OF MY SCARS! I'm screwed. I can't tell them where they are from or else I will risk them getting hurt. I ran to my room and locked myself in. I can't let them figure out what I am.

For a while, I just sat there. I didn't do anything. I just sat in the room. 

And then the loudest alarm went off.

I got up and looked out the window, "Jarvis what's going on?!"

"The Avengers alarm is going off. This is a signal that tells the team if an attack is going on. The team is suiting up and leaving as we speak." the A.I responded.

"Can you tell me what they are going to find?" I asked running to my closet.

"According to my sources, it looks like a monster of some sort. It looks as if it came right out of Greek Mythology." 

"Oh no..." I thought before grabbing my crown from the back of the closet and putting it on.

I tapped the wave and I felt myself changing into my toga armor and I felt my wings coming back. I grabbed Riptide and Hurricane Bringer and looked out the window again.

Outside I could see Hyperion destroying everything in sight.

"Jarvis is anyone still in the tower?" I asked.

"Only you, Perseus," it responded.

I sighed and flew out of the tower. It took a few moments to get used to using the wings but I got it soon enough. 

I flew towards the titan and I saw everyone trying to even hurt the thing but only Scarlet Witch was doing anything.  

I flew up and I went to the titan, "Hyperion, I will give you two choices. You can either surrender and go back to Tartarus peacefully, or I will have to force you back." 

"Ha! Well isn't it the little sea prince. I will never go down peacefully! And you won't be able to drag me down all alone!" the titan yelled.

"Wanna bet?"

I flew higher into the air and got out Hurricane Bringer. I uncapped the pen and I summoned a hurricane to surround the titan. I added shadows into the hurricane and I also added some fire. I summoned lightning and I added it into the hurricane so now it had the hurricane, shadows, fire, and lightning. 

As I watched the titan weaken I got out Riptide and I flew behind the titan. I stabbed him in the back and watched as he disintegrated into golden dust.

I formed a cloud of mist and sent an Iris Message to the Olympians saying how Hyperion had escaped and I told them they needed to return him back to Tartarus.

Once I ended the message I stopped all of the attacks and I flew back down to the Avengers.

"Percy?! What the hell was that?!" Tony exclaimed.

"Tell them, Perseus. We allow it." I heard in my head. I realized it must have been Hera since she was the only goddess who could do that.

I sighed and looked at them, "How about I tell you all back at the tower?"

{That's it for this chapter guys! Hope you enjoyed!}


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