Chapter 3

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[Percy's POV]

"Alright, everyone. This is my nephew Percy Jackson." my uncle said while walking over to me and standing beside me.

Everyone was really confused about how Tony had a nephew but they didn't ask any questions.

"Alright, Percy. Let me introduce you to everyone. First off there is Steve who is Captain America." he said while pointing towards a guy with dirty blond hair and blue eyes. 

"That's Bruce who is also known as the Hulk," he said while pointing to another guy with brown hair and brown eyes. He was wearing a lab coat also.

"There's Natasha who is also known as Black Widow," he said about a woman with red hair and green eyes. 

He continued on and on while introducing everyone. There was Clint, aka Hawkeye, Pietro, aka Quicksilver, Wanda, aka Scarlet Witch, Vision, Peter, aka Spiderman, Scott, aka Ant-man, Rhodey, aka War Machine, T'challa, aka Black Panther, Sam, aka Falcon, Bucky, aka Winter Soldier, Maria, Coulson, and Fury.

I was told that Thor wasn't here since he had other business to attend to but he was going to show up eventually.

"It's nice to meet everyone," I said before looking back at my Uncle Tony, "Is it alright if I go to my mom's old apartment? When the officer who brought me here got me I didn't realize I wasn't going back."

"Sure kid. Is it close by or do you want the limo to drive you?" he asked.

"It's only a fifteen-minute walk. I'll be fine. I'll see you all later." I said before running out of my room and out of the tower.

[Tony's POV]

"So...who wants to come and spy on my nephew with me?" I asked with a smirk.

Everyone scoffed and told him to leave the kid alone. 

Except for Bruce and Clint.

Bruce wanted to see how healthy he really was considering they had no idea where he came from. And Clint just wanted to spy on the kid.

"Alright let's go," I replied.

The three of us walked out of the tower to the car and we started to drive. 

We saw Percy walking down the street and we drove behind him with enough distance without being discovered.

After a while, Percy finally went up into an apartment complex that seemed decent. The three of us waited for almost an hour when I had enough and I got out of the car and went into the building.

I looked everywhere and I finally found his apartment. I walked in and I found Percy sitting on the ground. With his head in his knees. Crying.

"Hey, kid...Nice place you got here..." I said not completely sure what to say.

"What are you doing here?! Did you follow me here?! I told you I was just getting my stuff!" Percy yelled.

"You didn't really think I was going to let you go somewhere without me, did you? I was put in charge of you. And I'm going to take care of the son of my sister who I never even met." I replied while walking towards him.

"I can take care of myself! I don't need you! I don't need anyone!" he snapped.

"Listen, kid. I know you lost your mom. But let me remind you I was put in charge of you. If the people thought you didn't need to be taken care of they wouldn't have brought you to the tower. Now go get your things and let's get out of here." I replied.

He growled but he got up and went to what I guess was his room. After another half of an hour, he came out with a few boxes and walked out of the door without even looking at me.

I sighed and followed him out to the car.

"Well looks like you got all of your stuff kid. Put it in the back and then get in." Clint said.

"I'm walking." was all Percy said.

"No, you're not. Get your things in the back and get in." I ordered.

I groaned and threw his stuff into the trunk of the car and sat in the back.

We then drove in silence all the way back to the tower.

[Percy's POV]

Right, when we got to the tower I grabbed my things and ran to my room. I was done with everything and I just wanted to see my friends. 

And then I realized they didn't want to see me.

I threw my stuff on the ground and fell on my bed. I yelled into my pillow and then felt a cool wind blow through the room.

I groaned and got up. I closed the window but when I turned back to the bed I saw two boxes and a piece of paper lying there.

I picked up the paper and read it without difficulty thanks to Athena.

"Dear Perseus,

I am writing this to tell you I am giving you these two objects. In the smaller box, there is a pen that works exactly like Riptide but instead of a sword, it is a trident called Hurricane Bringer. Like the name suggests when you put the trident in the air you will summon a hurricane. You can make it bigger or smaller using the powers I have given you.

In the bigger box is a crown. When you press the wave in the center of it your toga armor will be summoned and you will transform into it and your wings will expand out.

Please, don't be Persassy to your uncle. I know he is trying everything he can to take care of you. Remember, yesterday he didn't even know you existed."

I put the paper down and opened the boxes. I put the crown in the back of my closet and put the pen into my pocket right next to Riptide. I put the paper in a drawer and then sat down on my bed once again.

I thought about everything that happened today. I was banished from both camps, I was blessed by all of the Olympians, I found out my uncle is Tony Stark, and now I'm living in Stark Tower.

I couldn't believe it but before I could even start to think of anything else I heard a knock at my door.

{That's it for this chapter guys! Hope you enjoyed!}


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