Roma Amor

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--- A Few Minutes Later or So ---

Shortly after Jude and Timothy left the doctor's office with not only consulting the doctor about the pregnancy inevitable symptoms, but also the recent news they figured out lastly for expecting a new family member to embrace within 5 months only, they fled the hospital in a jiffy by getting in Timothy's cab on their way to their compact apartment.

Fortunately, during their imminent driving destination to home was safe and sound without any quantity of stress, nor turned radio music in the car as its elating, silver-tongued tunes jingled into their ears. In the meantime, the nun seated alongside the revered priest.

"Timothy, ya don't have any clue how much is going to affect our reputation! Our Rome dream. How we are supposed to be parents and a Mother Superior and a Pope in the same time?" Mild vexation was vomited in her inquiry as his chocolate brown pools with the warmest chocolate glinting into them were darted to his path, warily driving since he wasn't a keen fan of the high speeds as if it's resembled a race.

First and foremost, the both devotional members of the clergy were about to be parents in less than a half a year and if they're going to have a love child, on the contrary, the church has the ultimate right to deprive it from them and imprison their love child in an orphanage. That was the crucial reason why they were unconditionally anxious what kind of parents they're going to be and is it a better decision to flee the church for better. For better by abstaining from celibacy, the vows they solemnly took ages ago and working on their exalted reputation they earned promptly by becoming a Mother Superior and Pope, due to their murderous hard work through the years. At last but not least, they have always hankered to become parents and being family people, although their lack of pluckiness to make revelations about one another and choose wisely what's the best for them.

Their both alternatives were actually either to pursue their dream to the end even without having the fresh life that was growing inside the middle-aged lady's bump or otherwise flee the church for better, consequently marrying one another these days and build their own future plans momentarily such as their honeymoon, how many children they're going to have, their trips and everything else that affects their small, nevertheless, doubtlessly doting and full of surprises family.

"I've a clue, rare bird! Our Rome dream isn't just being the revered Mother Superior and the powerful Pope," In the interim, his solely colossal, creamy as baby skin hand drifted down to the sister of the church's knee, subsequently rubbing its knee cap gently on circles, admiring its perfect shape of it for her midlife stage. Electrifying paroxysm and overwhelming shivers down her body of sweetness and pleasure sedated her bones and muscles, petering out their soberness and vitality. A benevolent, serene smile distorted across his lips, whereas the sister of the church's plump, well-defined cheeks tinted sanguinely as its sweltering heat crawled underneath her vanilla, smooth as unbreakable glass facial skin. Their hearts raced as the vigorous heart beats throbbed in the blonde's ribs cage, consequently surging its frequent pulses at her ears. "But living happily after in Rome and creating our own family with adorable children with the woman of my dreams." Timothy kept on with his utterance, lowering his honeyed, British accent when he halted promptly on the red light, awaiting a half a minute until the traffic light changes chromatically its colours at last.

At the moment, the Pope seized the moment to turn to his right hand as their stares met, locking up her bashful, demure hazelish-brown irises in no time as obvious magnetism was connecting their linked irises.

"I'd like to know what the woman of yar dreams, Timothy! If it's not too personal or secret at all." The blonde mumbled persistently as her lip curled, finding herself lost into his enticing stare though the middle-aged future mother could feel her heart sinking. Heart sinking, due to the fact, her love interest, whom she has nurtured with their Friday coq-au-vin dinner nights, aiding him to reach the highest rank of the diocese and harboring impure thoughts and infernally ferocious feelings by tantalizing herself, and now confessing unabashedly for having a woman of his dreams was a bit too much for Judy. Or rather, arcane mystery that was distressing her for not acknowledging his crush's name by directly stating it's just the lady of his dreams.

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