8. Sibling

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       After a good five minutes of witnessing this moment, we all decided to come in. His face was worn up and red, with traces of tears all over. Though he felt a lot livelier. My sister, well... still confused, probably. But somewhat better too. We took a left from the entrance and went to the living room.

       We sat on the couch, facing the TV and Rachel quickly came up with an opener for him.

       - I must ask, though, who are you? You look exactly the same, but your eye color is a little different. They have a glimpse of blue that doesn't belong to Change.

       Let me rephrase my previous statement: "a slight shade of blue only a narcissist like me would notice"... and her, who had probably spent more time with me than anyone. Before she went to college. Before her life stared anew or something. She kinda forgot about mom and dad. About me.

       She'd always been loving and caring. Never even teased me. She was mature and kind, but damaged and bitter about the world. Physically, she was your generic pretty girl, with blonde hair and deep blue eyes that many lusted after. Though she'd never had a boyfriend. Not that she told me of. I wish I wasn't so young by the time she left. I wish I got to know her better. Before she left me behind.

       - But... I'm Change! Rach, it's me... your brother! he sobbed loudly. How can you not recognize me?

       - I'm sorry, it's just that... there's two of you, it's fucked up. I don't know what to say.

       Poor him looked so traumatized. As if he'd seen a ghost. I barged in on their moment.

       - Hey, uh... Change, why don't you two get some sleep together? In my... your room. Take care of him, sis. We'll talk later.

       Thank God they both agreed. She took his hand, got up with him and made their way to my bed. As the door closed behind them, a wave of relief hit me. I could finally fucking relax. At least until mom and dad got back.

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